Greetings, I am learning Domino, and have a question which should help me understand it much better. There are a few users whose email addresses appear as userfirst userlast/orgunit/oldorgunit. I know in the past they took a part of the name out "oldorgunit". There are a couple of users who seem to still use that format, instead of a user@org.com
I hunted around in the domino admin for something to change but didn't find anything. Do i have to recertify?
Also, I would love to understand where I can look at the overall domino server naming convention and ID's. Perhaps those are not the right terms. I know Certificates are key with Domino. Perhaps if someone explained how the predecessor would have changed the name (took out "OldOrgUnit" ) I might get a better understanding of whats going on.
I hunted around in the domino admin for something to change but didn't find anything. Do i have to recertify?
Also, I would love to understand where I can look at the overall domino server naming convention and ID's. Perhaps those are not the right terms. I know Certificates are key with Domino. Perhaps if someone explained how the predecessor would have changed the name (took out "OldOrgUnit" ) I might get a better understanding of whats going on.