Sorry for the obscurity of my question, I am not allowed to post proper names. The customer is not personally my, but our company's.
There is a customer who has 1 site and 3 domain names pointing to the same content. When searching in Google, only matches from 2 of them are listed. When you issue a search for "site:[green]unlisted_domain[/green]", there are 2 results ( and other 2 listed as duplicates ). 1 Flash animation and 1 PDF document ( and other 2 Flashes as duplicates ).
The question is, what could be the status of the domain in the Google ? Seems to be not banned, but is neither listed. I would say, it is ignored. Is there a way to find out that status ? I would say no, there is no way.
Thank you for your answers.
I suggested to choose 1 master domain and serve the content only for that 1, the other 2 domains to only redirect to the master. And I predicted that another domain from the remaining 2 will disappear soon.
( As information, there is Google sitemap for that unlisted domain. It is plain text enumerating all HTML pages : 50 URLs, 8 duplicated ( totally 23 times, maximum 8 times ). The main page contains 5 Flash animations, the others 2, 1 of them is the menu. But there is a Site Map page. The main page has 30 HTML markup errors, none fatal. The [tt]meta keywords[/tt] looks abit like flooding : 104 words, 16 duplicated ( totally 41, maximum 5 times ). spacer.gif ( 1*1 pixel transparent ) used as link text, for 3 different links, although with different [tt]alt[/tt] texts and sizes. ) But I think this would not harm enough for a ban. )
Sorry for the obscurity of my question, I am not allowed to post proper names. The customer is not personally my, but our company's.
There is a customer who has 1 site and 3 domain names pointing to the same content. When searching in Google, only matches from 2 of them are listed. When you issue a search for "site:[green]unlisted_domain[/green]", there are 2 results ( and other 2 listed as duplicates ). 1 Flash animation and 1 PDF document ( and other 2 Flashes as duplicates ).
The question is, what could be the status of the domain in the Google ? Seems to be not banned, but is neither listed. I would say, it is ignored. Is there a way to find out that status ? I would say no, there is no way.
Thank you for your answers.
I suggested to choose 1 master domain and serve the content only for that 1, the other 2 domains to only redirect to the master. And I predicted that another domain from the remaining 2 will disappear soon.
( As information, there is Google sitemap for that unlisted domain. It is plain text enumerating all HTML pages : 50 URLs, 8 duplicated ( totally 23 times, maximum 8 times ). The main page contains 5 Flash animations, the others 2, 1 of them is the menu. But there is a Site Map page. The main page has 30 HTML markup errors, none fatal. The [tt]meta keywords[/tt] looks abit like flooding : 104 words, 16 duplicated ( totally 41, maximum 5 times ). spacer.gif ( 1*1 pixel transparent ) used as link text, for 3 different links, although with different [tt]alt[/tt] texts and sizes. ) But I think this would not harm enough for a ban. )