How can I check what domain controller is the primary? I have been having problems with my dc1 and I think my dc2 may have taken over. Thanks in advance!
something I came across the other week hinted me toward it but I dont remember.
The netdom query fsmo is actually not working on the dc I thought was the primary. It says 'netdom' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
When I do the command on dc2, all roles and owners are dc2
While your at it, after thats installed run dcdiag and netdiag and check for any failed tests... If something is *seriously* wrong I am pretty sure you would know, AD/DNS generally gets pretty finicky if something is jacked up and users would melt your phone with the amount of calls you would get.
Cory, the failed tests are listed above. Dcdiag is not even working on my primary, but when I run it from dc2 to test dc1 it works. It failed on verifyreference and frsevent
anyone with any ideas how the operations master could have been changed from dc1 to dc2? If dc1 was not working ocrrectly, could this happen by itself?
Also, I am not getting Event ID 1030 and 1058 on dc2.
This is my first post here. And I'm Swedish =)
But are you sure that DC1 has every been the FSMO holder?
The only was to change the FSMO roles is to transfer or seize them.
Your question about the "primary" DC, I guess is about which DC the clients choose to log on to? *guessing*
And I believe that this has to do with the SRV records in DNS. That is which server is SRV pointing to.
The Event ID 1058 could be because your antivirus is configured to scan the %systemroot%\System32\DHCP folder,
try to exclude it and see if it helps.
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