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Does VBA Have An Object That Works Like VB's DirListBox? 1

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Technical User
Mar 22, 2001
I am running Access 97 SR-2.

I have a form where I want a tool to navigate directories using an object like VB's DirListBox and DirDriveBox. I don't see these objects listed in my Toolbox. Is there a work around?

Take a look at the following thread...

thread705-74074 Terry M. Hoey
Also GGleason,

I have a db whereby when you click a button, and a little explorer type window opens where you can navigate to a specific file. I think it possibly uses the comdlg.dll. If thread705-74074 isn't quite what you are looking for let me know your email and I can email the db to you. It is only a few 100K so is quite small. If you do want it it will have to be tomorrow when work starts again.


I looked at the thread and it makes sense to me.

I copied the sub into my form and I get a compile error message that is as follows:

User-defined type not defined

Does this mean I don't have a DLL in my System32 folder?

Does it say what the User-Defined type that was not defined was? I gather that you just copied it, did not edit it any. There is a function in the IF at the bottom of the code that you don't need and probably don't have... Terry M. Hoey

The error is in the Dim statement for the adh_accOfficeGetFileNameInfo portion since I commented out except the Dim statement. Also, when I intentionally lowercase the "I" in ...Info VBA does not try to correct it. BTW, adh_accOfficeGetFileNameInfo does not appear in my API viewer, but DlgDirListComboBox does.

Any thoughts?

Okay, as I looked a little deeper into the source code that comes with the book, there is a declaration module that has the following type in it:

Type adh_accOfficeGetFileNameInfo
hwndOwner As Long
strAppName As String * 255
strDlgTitle As String * 255
strOpenTitle As String * 255
strFile As String * 4096
strInitialDir As String * 255
strFilter As String * 255
lngFilterIndex As Long
lngView As Long
lngFlags As Long
End Type

That is probably your problem. Terry M. Hoey
While I am at it, copy this into a new module called basDeclares. This has all of there user defined types from this MDB:

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

' General Errors
Public Const adhcAccErrSuccess = 0
Public Const adhcAccErrUnknown = -1

' File handling
' Sizes for buffers for SplitPath from stdlib.h
Const adhcSP_MAXPATH = 260
Const adhcSP_MAXDRIVE = 3
Const adhcSP_MAXDIR = 256
Const adhcSP_MAXFNAME = 256
Const adhcSP_MAXEXT = 256

' FileExists return values
Public Const adhcFileExistsYes = 1
Public Const adhcFileExistsNo = 0

Declare Function adh_accFileExists Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#57" _
(ByVal strSrc As String) As Integer
Declare Function adh_accFullPath Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#58" _
(ByVal strAbsPath As String, ByVal strFullPath As String, _
ByVal cchFullPathMax As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub adh_accSplitPath Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#59" _
(ByVal strPath As String, ByVal strDrive As String, _
ByVal strDir As String, ByVal strFName As String, ByVal strExt As String)

' Common Dialogs
' GetFileName errors
Public Const adhcAccErrGFNCantOpenDialog = -301
Public Const adhcAccErrGFNUserCancelledDialog = -302

' GetFileNameInfo flags
Public Const adhcGfniConfirmReplace = &H1 ' Prompt if overwriting a file?
Public Const adhcGfniNoChangeDir = &H2 ' Disable the read-only option
Public Const adhcGfniAllowReadOnly = &H4 ' Don't change to the directory the user selected?
Public Const adhcGfniAllowMultiSelect = &H8 ' Allow multiple-selection?
Public Const adhcGfniDirectoryOnly = &H20 ' Open as directory picker?
Public Const adhcGfniInitializeView = &H40 ' Initialize the view to the lView member or use last selected view?

' Views in the Office Find File dialog
Public Const adhcGfniViewDetails = 0 ' Details
Public Const adhcGfniViewPreview = 1 ' Preview
Public Const adhcGfniViewProperties = 2 ' Properties
Public Const adhcGfniViewList = 3 ' List (typical)

Type adh_accOfficeGetFileNameInfo
hwndOwner As Long
strAppName As String * 255
strDlgTitle As String * 255
strOpenTitle As String * 255
strFile As String * 4096
strInitialDir As String * 255
strFilter As String * 255
lngFilterIndex As Long
lngView As Long
lngFlags As Long
End Type

Declare Function adh_accOfficeGetFileName Lib "msaccess.exe" _
Alias "#56" (gfni As adh_accOfficeGetFileNameInfo, ByVal fOpen As Integer) As Long
Declare Function adh_accChooseColor Lib "msaccess.exe" _
Alias "#53" (ByVal hWnd As Long, rgb As Long) As Long

' Registry
' Predefined root keys for the registry.
Public Const adhcHKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Public Const adhcHKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001
Public Const adhcHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002
Public Const adhcHKEY_USERS = &H80000003
Public Const adhcHKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA = &H80000004

' Data types for data in the registry
Public Const adhcREG_NONE = 0
Public Const adhcREG_SZ = 1
Public Const adhcREG_EXPAND_SZ = 2
Public Const adhcREG_BINARY = 3
Public Const adhcREG_DWORD = 4
Public Const adhcREG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 4
Public Const adhcREG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN = 5
Public Const adhcREG_LINK = 6
Public Const adhcREG_MULTI_SZ = 7
Public Const adhcREG_RESOURCE_LIST = 8

' Registry Errors
Public Const adhcAccErrRegKeyNotFound = -201
Public Const adhcAccErrRegValueNotFound = -202
Public Const adhcAccErrRegCantSetValue = -203
Public Const adhcAccErrRegSubKeyNotFound = -204
Public Const adhcAccErrRegTypeNotSupported = -205
Public Const adhcAccErrRegCantCreateKey = -206

Declare Function adh_accRegGetVal Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#70" _
(ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal strSubKey As String, _
ByVal strValName As String, lpData As Any, ByVal lngMaxLen As Long) As Long
Declare Function adh_accRegWriteVal Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#71" _
(ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal strSubKey As String, ByVal strValName As String, _
lpData As Any, ByVal lngType As Long) As Long
Declare Function adh_accRegGetKeyInfo Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#72" _
(ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal strSubKey As String, _
lngSubKeys As Long, lngValues As Long) As Long
Declare Function adh_accRegGetValName Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#73" _
(ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal strSubKey As String, ByVal lngValue As Long, _
ByVal strValName As String, ByVal lngMaxLen As Long, lngType As Long) As Long
Declare Function adh_accRegWriteKey Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#74" _
(ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal strSubKey As String, _
ByVal strClass As String) As Long
Declare Function adh_accRegGetKey Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#75" _
(ByVal hkeyRoot As Long, ByVal strSubKey As String, ByVal lngSubKey As Long, _
ByVal strName As String, ByVal lngMaxLen As Long) As Long

' Font information
Type adhFontInfo
fRasterFont As Long
strName As String * 32
End Type

Declare Function adh_accGetFontCount Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#61" _
(ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Declare Function adh_accGetFontList Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#62" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, fiFonts() As adhFontInfo) As Long
Declare Function adh_accGetSizeCount Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#63" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal szFont As String) As Long
Declare Function adh_accGetSizeList Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#64" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal szFont As String, lSizeList() As Long) As Long

' Get twips from font
Declare Function adh_accTwipsFromFont Lib "msaccess.exe" _
Alias "#67" (ByVal strFontName As String, ByVal lngSize As Long, _
ByVal lngWeight As Long, ByVal fItalic As Long, ByVal fUnderline As Long, _
ByVal lngChars As Long, ByVal strCaption As String, ByVal cchUseMaxWidth As Long, _
lngWidth As Long, lngHeight As Long) As Integer

' Handle objects
Public Const adhcBitObjSystem = &H10000000
Public Const adhcBitObjHidden = &H20000000

' Table flags
Public Const adhcBitTblLocal = &H1000&
Public Const adhcBitTblAttachedISAM = &H2000&
Public Const adhcBitTblAttachedODBC = &H4000&
Public Const adhcBitTblAll = &H7000&

' Query flags are all part of Jet, but this one just makes
' it clear that you want all queries.
Public Const adhcBitQryAll = &H3FF

Type adhDBObj
intObjType As Integer
strName As String
lngFlags As Long
End Type

Declare Function adh_accGetObjNames Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#79" _
(ByVal varWrk As Variant, ByVal varDB As Variant, ByVal intObjType As Integer, _
ByVal lngFlags As Long, astrObjects() As String, ByVal intStart As Integer, _
intItemsFilled As Integer) As Long

Declare Function adh_accGetDbobjList Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#80" _
(ByVal varWrk As Variant, ByVal varDB As Variant, ByVal intObjType As Integer, _
ByVal lngFlags As Long, atypObjects() As adhDBObj, ByVal intStart As Integer, _
intItemsFilled As Integer) As Long

Declare Function adh_accSortStringArray Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#81" _
(astrObjects() As String) As Long

Declare Function adh_accSortDbobjArray Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#82" _
(atypObjects() As adhDBObj, ByVal fNamesOnly As Long) As Long

' Miscellaneous
Declare Function adh_accGetLanguage Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#51" () As Long
Declare Function adh_accGetTbDIB Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#60" _
(ByVal lngBmp As Long, ByVal fLarge As Long, bytBuf() As Byte) As Long

' Programming Functions
Declare Function adh_accIsValidIdentifier Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#84" _
(ByVal strIdentCand As String) As Boolean
Declare Function adh_accGlobalProcExists Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#37" _
(ByVal strProcName As String) As Long
' Get the type of a recordsource. 0 for SQL, 1 for table, 2 for query.
Declare Function adh_accTypeOfStrRS Lib "msaccess.exe" Alias "#83" _
(ByVal strRS As String) As Integer

Public Const adhcAccRSTypeSQL = 0
Public Const adhcAccRSTypeTable = 1
Public Const adhcAccRSTypeQuery = 2

Declare Function adh_apiSendMessage Lib "USER32" Alias "SendMessageA" _
(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long

' Create an Information Context
Declare Function adh_apiCreateIC Lib "gdi32" Alias "CreateICA" _
(ByVal lpDriverName As String, ByVal lpDeviceName As String, _
ByVal lpOutput As String, lpInitData As Any) As Long
' Close an existing Device Context (or information context)
Declare Function adh_apiDeleteDC Lib "gdi32" Alias "DeleteDC" _
(ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

' Language Return Values
' To save Public space, most of these are commented out.
' If your situation involves checking for more of these, uncomment the
' ones you care about.
'Public Const adhcArabic = 1025 'Arabic
'Public Const adhcBulgarian = 1026 'Bulgarian
'Public Const adhcCatalan = 1027 'Catalan
'Public Const adhcTraditionalChinese = 1028 'Traditional Chinese
'Public Const adhcCzech = 1029 'Czech
'Public Const adhcDanish = 1030 'Danish
Public Const adhcGerman = 1031 'German
'Public Const adhcGreek = 1032 'Greek
Public Const adhcUSEnglish = 1033 'U.S. English
'Public Const adhcCastilianSpanish = 1034 'Castilian Spanish
'Public Const adhcFinnish = 1035 'Finnish
Public Const adhcFrench = 1036 'French
'Public Const adhcHebrew = 1037 'Hebrew
'Public Const adhcHungarian = 1038 'Hungarian
'Public Const adhcIcelandic = 1039 'Icelandic
Public Const adhcItalian = 1040 'Italian
'Public Const adhcJapanese = 1041 'Japanese
'Public Const adhcKorean = 1042 'Korean
'Public Const adhcDutch = 1043 'Dutch
'Public Const adhcNorwegianBokmål = 1044 'Norwegian - Bokmål
'Public Const adhcPolish = 1045 'Polish
'Public Const adhcBrazilianPortuguese = 1046 'Brazilian Portuguese
'Public Const adhcRhaetoRomanic = 1047 'Rhaeto-Romanic
'Public Const adhcRomanian = 1048 'Romanian
'Public Const adhcRussian = 1049 'Russian
'Public Const adhcCroatoSerbian = 1050 'Croato-Serbian (Latin)
'Public Const adhcSlovak = 1051 'Slovak
'Public Const adhcAlbanian = 1052 'Albanian
'Public Const adhcSwedish = 1053 'Swedish
'Public Const adhcThai = 1054 'Thai
'Public Const adhcTurkish = 1055 'Turkish
'Public Const adhcUrdu = 1056 'Urdu
'Public Const adhcBahasa = 1057 'Bahasa
'Public Const adhcSimplifiedChinese = 2052 'Simplified Chinese
'Public Const adhcSwissGerman = 2055 'Swiss German
Public Const adhcUKEnglish = 2057 'U.K. English
Public Const adhcMexicanSpanish = 2058 'Mexican Spanish
'Public Const adhcBelgianFrench = 2060 'Belgian French
'Public Const adhcSwissItalian = 2064 'Swiss Italian
'Public Const adhcBelgianDutch = 2067 'Belgian Dutch
'Public Const adhcNorwegianNynorsk = 2068 'Norwegian - Nynorsk
'Public Const adhcPortuguese = 2070 'Portuguese
'Public Const adhcSerboCroatian = 2074 'Serbo-Croatian (Cyrillic)
'Public Const adhcCanadianFrench = 3084 'Canadian French
'Public Const adhcSwissFrench = 4108 'Swiss French

Function adhChooseColor(lngColor As Long) As Long
' Use the color chooser exposed by Access.

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.
Debug.Print "Returned: " & adh_accChooseColor(Application.hWndAccessApp, lngColor)
adhChooseColor = lngColor
End Function

Function adhOfficeGetFileName(gfni As adh_accOfficeGetFileNameInfo, _
ByVal fOpen As Integer) As Long

' Use the Office file selector common dialog
' exposed by Access.

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

Dim lng As Long
With gfni
.strAppName = RTrim$(.strAppName) & vbNullChar
.strDlgTitle = RTrim$(.strDlgTitle) & vbNullChar
.strOpenTitle = RTrim$(.strOpenTitle) & vbNullChar
.strFile = RTrim$(.strFile) & vbNullChar
.strInitialDir = RTrim$(.strInitialDir) & vbNullChar
.strFilter = RTrim$(.strFilter) & vbNullChar
SysCmd acSysCmdClearHelpTopic
lng = adh_accOfficeGetFileName(gfni, fOpen)
.strAppName = RTrim$(adhTrimNull(.strAppName))
.strDlgTitle = RTrim$(adhTrimNull(.strDlgTitle))
.strOpenTitle = RTrim$(adhTrimNull(.strOpenTitle))
.strFile = RTrim$(adhTrimNull(.strFile))
.strInitialDir = RTrim$(adhTrimNull(.strInitialDir))
.strFilter = RTrim$(adhTrimNull(.strFilter))
End With
adhOfficeGetFileName = lng
End Function

Function adhTrimNull(strVal As String) As String
' Trim the end of a string, stopping at the first
' null character.

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

Dim intPos As Integer
intPos = InStr(strVal, vbNullChar)
If intPos > 0 Then
adhTrimNull = Left$(strVal, intPos - 1)
adhTrimNull = strVal
End If
End Function

Function adhHandleAccErrors(intErr As Integer) As Boolean

' A generic error handler for Access function errors.

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

' In:
' intErr: the error number
' Out:
' Return value: True if this function handled the error,
' False if it couldn't.

Dim strMsg As String
Dim fOK As Boolean

fOK = True
Select Case intErr
Case adhcAccErrUnknown
strMsg = "Unknown error"

' Registry Errors
Case adhcAccErrRegKeyNotFound
strMsg = "Specified registry key not found"
Case adhcAccErrRegValueNotFound
strMsg = "Specified registry value not found"
Case adhcAccErrRegCantSetValue
strMsg = "Can't set registry value"
Case adhcAccErrRegSubKeyNotFound
strMsg = "Specified subkey not found"
Case adhcAccErrRegTypeNotSupported
strMsg = "Specified data type not supported"
Case adhcAccErrRegCantCreateKey
strMsg = "Can't create specified registry key"

' GetFileName errors
Case adhcAccErrGFNCantOpenDialog
strMsg = "Can't open common dialog"
Case adhcAccErrGFNUserCancelledDialog
strMsg = "User cancelled dialog"
Case Else
fOK = False
End Select
If fOK Then
MsgBox strMsg, vbExclamation, "Error in Acc7032.DLL"
End If
adhHandleAccErrors = fOK
End Function

Sub adhSplitPath(pstrPath As String, pstrDrive As String, _
pstrDir As String, pstrFName As String, pstrExt As String)

' A wrapper function for the adh_accSplitPath()
' function in MSACCESS.EXE.
' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

' In:
' pstrPath: the path to split up
' Out:
' pstrDrive: the drive
' pstrDir: the directory
' pstrFName: the file name
' pstrExt: the extension
Dim strDrive As String * adhcSP_MAXDRIVE
Dim strDir As String * adhcSP_MAXDIR
Dim strFName As String * adhcSP_MAXFNAME
Dim strExt As String * adhcSP_MAXEXT

adh_accSplitPath pstrPath, strDrive, strDir, strFName, strExt

pstrDrive = adhTrimNull(strDrive)
pstrDir = adhTrimNull(strDir)
pstrFName = adhTrimNull(strFName)
pstrExt = adhTrimNull(strExt)
End Sub

Function adhFullPath(strFileName As String) As String

' A wrapper function for the adh_accFullPath() function.
' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

' In:
' strFileName: relative filename to convert to full path name
' Out:
' Return Value: full path name for strFileName
' For example:
' Given that the current directory is "E:\adh\CH19",
' adhFullPath("..\AHT\CH06\CH06TXT.DOC")
' would return
' The function does not check for the existence of that file,
' only converts a relative path into a fully qualified path.

Dim strBuffer As String * adhcSP_MAXPATH
Dim intRetval As Integer

intRetval = adh_accFullPath(strFileName, strBuffer, adhcSP_MAXPATH)
adhFullPath = Left(strBuffer, intRetval)
End Function

Function adhCvtQryTypeToBit(ByVal lngItem As Long) As Long
' Convert query constants (dbQSelect, etc.) to the flag
' format that the dbObj functions require.

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

' In:
' lngItem: a query constant (dbQSelect, dbQDDL, etc.)
' Out:
' Return value: a bitmapped value corresponding to the constant

adhCvtQryTypeToBit = 2 ^ (lngItem / 16 + 1)
End Function

Function adhGetAppInfo(lngFlags As Long) As Long
' Set the output based on whether or not
' you've selected to see hidden/system objects.

' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

' In:
' lngFlags: value of the flag before calling this function.
' New values are OR'd with it.
' Out:
' Return value: the new value of the flags

If Application.GetOption("Show Hidden Objects") Then
lngFlags = lngFlags Or adhcBitObjHidden
lngFlags = lngFlags And Not adhcBitObjHidden
End If
If Application.GetOption("Show System Objects") Then
lngFlags = lngFlags Or adhcBitObjSystem
lngFlags = lngFlags And Not adhcBitObjSystem
End If
adhGetAppInfo = lngFlags
End Function

Function adhCBFProcExists(frm As Form, strProcName As String) As Integer

' Determine if a specific proc already exists behind specified form.
' Not sure this is really necessary, but it worked in Access 2 and 95 and it
' should work in 97. At this moment, it does not work.
' From Access 97 Developer's Handbook
' by Litwin, Getz, and Gilbert (Sybex)
' Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.

' In:
' frm: Form reference
' strProcName: Name to check
' Out:
' Return Value: True if the proc exists, False otherwise
' Example:
' If adhCBFProcExists(Forms!frmButtonPix, "cboApply_AfterUpdate") Then

Const adhcWM_PROCEXISTS = 1434

adhCBFProcExists = adh_apiSendMessage((frm.hWnd), adhcWM_PROCEXISTS, _
0, ByVal strProcName) <> 0
End Function

BTW, I swear by this book(MS Access Developer's Handbook by Litwin Getz and Gilbert (SYBEX)). If you use this code, I would strongly suggest finding and purchasing it. Their web page is ...
Terry M. Hoey

Where does this declaration module go? I placed it in the same sub as the other one and it failed.

Thanks for your patience.
It was a new module all to itself. Terry M. Hoey
Wow! It works great! Thank you very much Terry.

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