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Does HPOV (Windows) support INFORMs? 1

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Jan 25, 2000
Does HPOV (Windows) support INFORMs? If so, how do I configure it to accept them. I am trying to test our software that sends informs. If I send a trap, it comes though. If I send an inform, nothing is seen. I am a novice user. I couldn't find anything in the docs or the online help. Any information would be greatly appreciated.<br>
What software are you using that sends INFORMS? The only product I know of personally in NerveCenter. If you can give me a little more info about the products you are using, maybe I can help.<br>
Dave sends...
What software are you using that sends INFORMS? The only product I know of personally in NerveCenter. If you can give me a little more info about the products you are using, maybe I can help.<br>
Dave sends... <br>

Thanks for the response. I am using an agent we have written in house that was built with the Eminate SNMP Agent toolkit from SNMP Research. We have another manager that was built in house that prints the OID from the pdu that the Eminate Agent sends. However, HPOV does not appear to see the pdu at all. Sending a pdu from our agent to our manager isn't enough for our customer to verify it is following standards for an INFORM. I need a third party tool such as HPOV to assist. Thanks in advance for the help.
Do you see the INFORM in HPOV's trapd.log? If yes, have you setup the OID coming from the Eminate Agent in HPOV's event configuration?
I did a search on the entire harddisk. I can't find a file called trapd.log. Is there a flag you have to set to get it to create that file? BTW: I'm fairly certain that I have not setup the OID from the Eminate Agent to HPOV's event configuration. All I have done is imported the mibs (which contain the OIDs of the IMFORMs).
Let me guess...are you using HPOV 6.x? Since OV 6.x provides event correlation services, the trapd.log is disabled unless you manually enable it. To enable trapd.log in 6.x, edit the pmd.lrf file to read as follows:<br>
The change is between the second and third colons, add:<br>
Here is HP's explanation of this, found on page 25 of the OV 6.0 for UNIX Migration Guide:<br>
3.3 trapd.log Event Log<br>
NNM 6.0 provides a new binary event database that stores full ASN.1 SNMP trap notations (including all variable binding information). This new binary event database replaces the trapd.log file; however, NNM 6.0<br>
provides two methods to enable backward compatibility with trapd.log. A command line utility, ovdumpevents, allows you to take a snapshot of the binary event database and write the output to a file in trapd.log format.See the ovdumpevents(1M) reference page in NNM’s online help on Windows NT or the UNIX manpage for more information. If continuous output to trapd.log is required, you may modify the PMD Local Registration File (LRF) so that it contains the following line (changes in bold):<br>
The trapd.log file will then be generated in addition to (not instead of) the event database. See the ov_event reference page in NNM’s online help on Windows NT or the UNIX manpage for more information. Generating the trapd.log file in addition to the event database requires space on your management station’s hard drive.<br>
After you enable trapd.log, you will be able to see if OV is even receiving the INFORMS you are sending. Also, since you have already imported the MIBs, you could configure those OIDs in the event configuration. If the events are getting into trapd.log but not displaying in the event browser, I would think the events are setup to &quot;Don't Log or Display&quot; in the event config. Take a look at that and let me know what you find. Hope this helps.<br>
Dave sends...
We are using version D.03.03. I can't find a file on the entire harddrive named pmd.lrf. Same for trapd.log. However, we have done some experimenting. We changed the eminate agent to send a trap instead of an inform. After doing this, the trap shows up on the Alarm log display on HPOV. The proper oid is displayed and everything. We changed it back to send an inform (all other fields the same), then nothing comes through.<br>

I have never worked with HPOV 3.03. If that's actually the version, then it is a very old copy. If the traps work, I would say stick with traps. INFORMS might send the information in a different format than traps that HPOV might not be able to translate. If you have any other quesitons, let me know.<br>
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