I'm trying to figure this one out. I've just started using the group policy tool to redirect the "My Documents" directory for certain users. It works great (like the sync aspect of it too for laptop users). However, I have noticed that if you are logged in as a user who has the "My Docs" redirection (say to "H:\RoamDocs"), then that only seems to carry for the My Docs icon in the start menu, and on explorer windows. If you go to a command prompt and type "%USERPROFILE%\MY Documents", the system cannot find the path specified. I would have thought that would have translated over with the redirection. That of course means all applications which depend on the My Docs location being related to the %USERPROFILE% variable will fail. Probably all applications that assume My Docs is even on the C drive alone will fail. Isn't there some way via group policy to have the mapping of My Docs translate down to environment variables? I would have thought this redirection would take care of that, but I guess not.
I have found a useful article on setting environ variables via group policy (see here but I'm not sure this applies to my situation as I'm trying to set a location based off of the path %userprofile%\my documents.
Any help is (as always) greatly appreciated.
I have found a useful article on setting environ variables via group policy (see here but I'm not sure this applies to my situation as I'm trying to set a location based off of the path %userprofile%\my documents.
Any help is (as always) greatly appreciated.