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Does anyone here work for Pipex or Bulldog?

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Just out of curiosity, I thought Bulldog and Pipex is ISP, so they shouldn't "own" your phone line. The reason I say this is because I use Pipex and when I had problems with my phone lines, I need to get in contact with BT.
Is it your like or broadband that isn't working?
The phone line was installed by BT, but Bulldog (now part of Pipex) took it over when we purchased our broadband through them. So, our combined telephone / broadband bill is paid solely to Bulldog - we no longer have a contract with, nor pay BT.

Yes - BT still own the line, and are still responsible for its maintenance, but as my contract is with Bulldog, I have to go through them, and they then contact BT. I have no comeback whatsoever to BT as far as I know.

The broadband works just fine, but the phone line hasn't working since Dec 4th. I've been to and fro with various departments every day, but it's still not working. Bulldog keep ringing me to ask me if the phone line is working - which apparently the BT engineers keep asking them.

But the answer, as always is still 'no'. One month on, and no phone line - what a joke.

PERRYPJ, perhaps you have some idea as to how to resolve this? I think you should put some work in for your star, after all.


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
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1st Question. Do you get dial tone.
2nd Question. When people call you what do they hear
3rd Q. From your phone dial 17070 (BT test number do you get anything.)

If the line is getting broadband then there is a link back to the exchange.

It sounds as if there may be a billing issue between bulldog/pipex and BT. BT have therefore switched the voice circuit off.

I would recommend that on your next call to bulldo/pipex warn them that you will be contact Offcom if this is not fixed whithin 5 working days.
1. No (I've tried 2 different handsets in all sockets, including the master one, with all other appliances and filters unplugged).

2. They hear the normal ringing, but we hear nothing.

3. See 1.

Re. the 5 working days thing... is there a maximum time they have to fix faults in that as laid down by Ofcom? Right now, I'm looking at at least 30 days of no-phone compensation, plus all my time, and the cost of the xmas phone calls made to New Zealand from a UK mobile because no landline was available (not cheap!). This is going to cost Bulldog dearly.


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
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You have to give them 'reasonable' time when making the statemnet that you are going to report them. The possibility of compensation is slim, but is possible if Offcom do get involved. The fact that callers get ringing and you get dead air points to BT making a change.
No - the phone line is still dead. The engineers have apparently performed a 'lift and shift' (whatever that is), but still nothing.

The broadband is fine - just no phone (for over a month now).

I really an going to screw these bastards for everything I can when it is back up and running. Over a month with no phone line is just not on - how can they call themselves a professional telecoms company with crap service like this?

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
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Typical BT wholesale issue.

Dan, you need to chase bulldog, as BT can't (by law) help you. Next time you speak to a bulldog monkey ask them for the ECO or WLR reference and push for an escalation.

This sounds like an exchange fault - it is quite possible to have ADSL working and no dial tone on the line (under fault conditions) However as you have ADSL working the physical copper is ok.

In short chase Bulldog and escalate through their systems - No DT for a month is incredible...

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
Thanks for that, Matt. Unfortunately, their call centre is shut at the moment, but I'll certainly ask for those references on Monday.

The question is, what do I do with them? Can I approach Ofcom?

I've been told buy bulldog several times that this is a 'priority', and yet they do things like cancelling engineers 30 mins after they were due to arrive. Their call centre staff are always less than helpful, as well - they're just data entry bods who don't care (they're always 'sorry', but don't seem to be doing much to show it).


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
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>The question is, what do I do with them?

Bluff... It sounds like you know what you are on about...

ECO is the fault reporting portal that is used by BT wholesale line providers to report line faults with BT. The ECO reference proves that they have passed it to BT. The ECO process also carries out a line test on the line (I've seen faulty lines pass the ECO test, faulty lines fail and known good lines fail too) but often its right.

This is what I suggest;
1) forget all that has happened in the past with this and book a new fault with bulldog. As you book the fault ask for the eco reference which will be a collection of letters and numbers 6 or 8 characters. Also ensure that your contact details are entered on the eco system, with a request to contact you directly. Also ask what care level you line has and what Bulldog's SLA is. Point out that this fault has existed since 4th Dec.
2) wait for a period of time (several hours) and call back quoting the ECO reference ask for updates. BT should have acknowledged the fault and given some indication of their next step (passed to exchnage engineer or similar). You need to keep up with this because BT will and do close faults if they post something and don't get a response in time (if fault closed don't get bulldog monkey to open a new one - immediately escalate and demand a reopen)
3) if ECO doesn't give an update - ask for a stage 1 escalation which is done through the ECO platform
4) 24 hours later go thorugh a 2nd stage escaltion

You might also get some mileage from asking bulldog for a higher level named monkey to contact so that you don't have to explain this each time...

Failing all this, call to cancel your contract for failure to deliver, you'll probably be put through to the retentions department, who might be more willing to drive the fault for you.

Good luck

Take Care

I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone.
My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
Their call centre staff can give me neither an ECO nor a WLR reference.

I guess I have no choice but to actually write to them (snail mail - how antiquated) to complain!

How hard can it be to fix a phone line?! I would never recommend Bulldog or Pipex to anyone - the customer service is just so shoddy, as this whole episode proves (hopefully this thread will be picked up on a Google search by anyone wanting to see how good the customer service is).


Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
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Welcome to the brave new world where the "invisible hand" magically drives efficiency and customer satisfaction! Competition is GOD and all consumer protections are evil.

You might take note how well deregulation has worked here in the states - it has served to cripple the entire world economy!

I think you just saw the invisible finger!

Best of luck - you have the right attitude and you will just need to keep at it.


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I have a suggestion. It won't fix your problem, but may be an option.

Since your broadband connection is up and running you could get service from Lingo or Vonage and have your current number ported over to that service. As long as your broadband connection stays up you should have reliable phone service.

Like I said, not a solution to the original problem, but an alternative for when desperation sets in.
Time to get tough me thinks.

Have you tried CISAS yet, I don't think you can log a dispute until 12 weeks have expired but try them anyway

The ISPA is another good source of info or point of contact

OFCOM is another contact point but says a great deal but rarely does anything to help the consumer.

I think bulldog was taken over by C&W and is now tiscali and as such I don't think it has an ADR (alternate dispute resolution) scheme and was recently warned by OFCOM for this (although nothing has or will happen)

When I was born I was so suprised I didn't talk for 18 months
I've signed up to so I'll post there as well to see if anyone can shed any light as well.

I'm still waiting for them to get back to me about making a complaint via email - I still cannot accept I have to write to some anonymous PO Box in Birmingham to make a complaint rather than doing it online or over the phone.

Some sites are still listing their address as Red Lion Square in London, and given I work about 5 mins walk away, I might just pop round at lunchtime to see if they still have offices there.

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
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According to the receptionist, Bulldog haven't had an office in Red Lion square for 2 years or so, so I visited Tiscali's office in Broadwick Street instead.

I handed over my current (and growing) 5-page 'dossier' to a very helpful man who said he would be dealing with it personally.

At least now I have a direct dial number to a UK-based representative, not some nameless Indian call centre where I have to keep repeating myself to make myself understood.

Let's see if things get resolved any faster - as last night we found we had no broadband either!!

Coedit Limited - Delivering standards compliant, accessible web solutions

Dan's Page [blue]@[/blue] Code Couch:
Code Couch Tech Snippets & Info:
Sounds like a big step in the right direction! Best of luck!


TIP: If you ask a better question, you will get a better reply. Be specific so we can help!
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