I added FAQ700-6905 to make it easier for people to describe their tables and relationshps. In order to get a good answer you often need to describe your table names, field names, field types, primary keys, foreign keys, and indices. This can take some time. The faq provides the code.
The procedure "documentTables" produces the following for all tables. The following example shows two tables:
The procedure "documentRelations" produces output like the following for all relationships.
Any comments or suggestions welcomed.
The procedure "documentTables" produces the following for all tables. The following example shows two tables:
autoPersonnelID dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
txtSSN dbText Indexed
strFirstName dbText
strLastName dbText Required
strMiddleInitial dbText
strGender dbText
strService dbText Indexed
intSubSectionID dbLong Indexed
blnArchived dbBoolean
autoPerson_StudyProjID dbLong PrimaryKey Indexed
intFKeyPersonID dbLong ForiegnKey Indexed
intFKeyStudyProjID dbLong Indexed
The procedure "documentRelations" produces output like the following for all relationships.
Name: datTblPersonneljoinTblPerson_StudyProj
Table: datTblPersonnel
Foreign Table: joinTblPerson_StudyProj
PK: autoPersonnelID FK:intFKeyPersonID
Any comments or suggestions welcomed.