I'm trying to make a small VBScript program on a webpage for my site.
It is just for a laugh, a user inputs their name, friends name etc, and this input value is printed out in amongst a pre-set story.
And I CANNOT make it work, could someone take a look, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, or alternative ways of doing it!!
<form name="game">
<input length="20" type="text" name="entry1">
<Input Type=Button Value="Go!" onClick="print">
<script language = VBScript>
dim entry
entry = Document.game.entry1.Value
<font face=arial size=5>
hi, the word you typed should apear here!.......----->
<script language = VBScript>
Sub print()
Document.write entry
End Sub
Any suggestions would be great!!
I'm trying to make a small VBScript program on a webpage for my site.
It is just for a laugh, a user inputs their name, friends name etc, and this input value is printed out in amongst a pre-set story.
And I CANNOT make it work, could someone take a look, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, or alternative ways of doing it!!
<form name="game">
<input length="20" type="text" name="entry1">
<Input Type=Button Value="Go!" onClick="print">
<script language = VBScript>
dim entry
entry = Document.game.entry1.Value
<font face=arial size=5>
hi, the word you typed should apear here!.......----->
<script language = VBScript>
Sub print()
Document.write entry
End Sub
Any suggestions would be great!!