Hi there
Can you shed any light on this error - it's a drop down menu I've got working in IE but not Firefox, Safari or Mac IE.
Mozilla javascript console tells me document.all is non standard and to use WC3 standard document.getElementById() instead but it still doesn't work - also does anyone know how to get this code working on Mac browsers?
website is at
jscript code is here - the original is commented out:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showmenu(elmnt)
function hidemenu(elmnt)
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!
Can you shed any light on this error - it's a drop down menu I've got working in IE but not Firefox, Safari or Mac IE.
Mozilla javascript console tells me document.all is non standard and to use WC3 standard document.getElementById() instead but it still doesn't work - also does anyone know how to get this code working on Mac browsers?
website is at
jscript code is here - the original is commented out:
<script type="text/javascript">
function showmenu(elmnt)
function hidemenu(elmnt)
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!