I am using Access 2003 project, with SQL Server 2005. I have a form, which has a command button that opens up another form called riskregister (which has a subform in called risk). I have this code that does this:
Without the stLinkCriteria bit, it works. What I want to do is open up the form as normal, but only open where the column DateClosed is Null (so all records with something in arent displayed).
Many thanks in advance,
I am using Access 2003 project, with SQL Server 2005. I have a form, which has a command button that opens up another form called riskregister (which has a subform in called risk). I have this code that does this:
Private Sub cmbOpenRiskRegister_Click()
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stLinkCriteria = "[forms]![riskregister]![risk].form.[DateClosed] = null"
DoCmd.OpenForm "RiskRegister", acNormal, , stLinkCriteria, , acNormal
Me.Visible = False
End Sub
Without the stLinkCriteria bit, it works. What I want to do is open up the form as normal, but only open where the column DateClosed is Null (so all records with something in arent displayed).
Many thanks in advance,