I have a Dell Inspiron 1.6ghz laptop and a dell docking station. It's worked fine for months now, but today when I locked it in and turned it on, as soon as it prompted me for my windows password, the video from the laptop was only covering about 80-85% of the monitor screen. It's on the lower left. It doesn't look like I'm losing any of the video, it's just smaller.
I took the laptop and put it in another Dell docking station and it worked just fine. Then I took a computer identical to mine, except it's winxp rather then 2k,(the one that was in the other docking station) and put it in my docking station. It worked fine.
Could this be some kind of hardware issue and software issue combining their powers to stop me from working?
Any help would be appreciated.
BTW, Monitor on both docking stations are Gateway VX900T's
I took the laptop and put it in another Dell docking station and it worked just fine. Then I took a computer identical to mine, except it's winxp rather then 2k,(the one that was in the other docking station) and put it in my docking station. It worked fine.
Could this be some kind of hardware issue and software issue combining their powers to stop me from working?
Any help would be appreciated.
BTW, Monitor on both docking stations are Gateway VX900T's