This is what works for me. Just drop a ComboBox on the same form as the StringGrid for each column you need a ComboBox for.
procedure TfrmMain.sgCellsClick(Sender: TObject);
nTop, nLeft, nWidth, nHeight : integer;
if ( sgCells.Col = 0 ) then
with cbCol0 do
PositionCB( sgCells, nTop, nLeft, nHeight, nWidth );
Top := nTop;
Left := nLeft;
Width := nWidth;
Height := nHeight;
ItemIndex := Items.IndexOf( sgCells.Cells[ sgCells.Col, sgCells.Row ] );
Visible := True;
ActiveControl := cbCol0;
else if ( sgCells.Col = 1 ) then
with cbCol1 do
PositionCB( sgCells, nTop, nLeft, nHeight, nWidth );
Top := nTop;
Left := nLeft;
Width := nWidth;
Height := nHeight;
procedure TfrmMain.PositionCB( const sgGrid : TStringGrid; var iTop, iLeft, iHeight, iWidth : integer );
i, iStartRow, iStartCol : integer;
with sgGrid do
iStartRow := TopRow;
iStartCol := LeftCol;
iTop := Top;
iLeft := Left;
{ Compute Row Height }
for i := iStartRow to Row do
iTop := iTop + RowHeights[ i ] + GridLineWidth;
{ Compute Col Width }
for i := iStartCol to Col - 1 do
iLeft := iLeft + ColWidths[ i ] + GridLineWidth;
if ( FixedCols > 0 ) then
for i := 0 to FixedCols - 1 do
iLeft := iLeft + ColWidths[ i ] + GridLineWidth;
Thanks for that,
it doesn't quite work but it's better than I had.
Basically the activecontrol statement causes it to generate
"cannot focus a disabled or invisible widget"
so I took it out.
If I click on the scroll bar the highlighted cell is out of sync with the combobox position
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