I'm on windows xp running DocCheck from a bat file. I specify the sourcepath as follows:
There are two classes (.java files) in the People directory and both have missing Javadoc tags. However, DocCheck only reports errors in one class. Am I using the -sourcepath option incorrectly?
The entire contents of my bat file are:
-sourcepath .\com\SteveSystems\People\*.java
There are two classes (.java files) in the People directory and both have missing Javadoc tags. However, DocCheck only reports errors in one class. Am I using the -sourcepath option incorrectly?
The entire contents of my bat file are:
if exist docCheckOutput rmdir /s /q docCheckOutput
mkdir docCheckOutput
javadoc ^
-doclet com.sun.tools.doclets.doccheck.DocCheck ^
-docletpath C:\DocCheck\doccheck1.2b2\doccheck.jar ^
-J-Xmx20M ^
-d docCheckOutput ^
-classlist ^
-docletID ^
-title "DocCheck Sample Code" ^
-sourcepath .\com\SteveSystems\People\*.java