They might work; what they all basically do is this: they start downloading the file in pieces, at the same time.. some try to get different parts of the file from different servers, some just use the same server; also some try to do some DNS caching, which might help if you're running pre Win98SE ...
The idea is that as long as your feed from the internet is not saturated, things can get downloaded faster; if the problem lies at your end, your SOL... (and on a slow line, (dialup 28k8 and the like) you'll probably get worse results (due to some extra overhead, errors etc) if you open multiple streams; but in these cases you might also gain some performance if you downloadmanager queues the files, and fetches them straight after each other...
(that said, I personally never had the need to use them, no matter on whatever connection I was running; I always got by with some thoughtful use of multiple browser windows, and quite a few console windows with commandline ftp clients and ofcourse the most basic tool: WGET ...)
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