Yesterday I compacted my Database it reached 1.0GB. Once compacted it dropped down to 16mb. Today it has already jummped back up to 350MB. I was reding on micosoft's web site something about OLE objects cause a database to get bigger.
My question is. Is this true? I also have a button that runs about 10 append queries. would that cause this to happen? I dont think that running append queries would make the database grow that large.
The reason I have OLE objects is , I created splash forms that would tell the user there data is downloading etc...
On those splash forms there are OLE objects that contain Animated GIFS.
Can someone help me with this?
My question is. Is this true? I also have a button that runs about 10 append queries. would that cause this to happen? I dont think that running append queries would make the database grow that large.
The reason I have OLE objects is , I created splash forms that would tell the user there data is downloading etc...
On those splash forms there are OLE objects that contain Animated GIFS.
Can someone help me with this?