This is to inform all those willing to get cert. from SAP. If you want to pass any of SAP exams you need to do only one thing.
- SAP marking is done through a silly marking system whcih lift your average marks to 71-74 aginst the pass mark of 70. Provided....! that you said in your evaluation form that you dont have any experience in SAP. This case even you dont want to pass, but SAP dont allow you to FAIL. This is true,true,true and true i am wrting this based on my experience.
-Causion, if you say 'yes' for experience then that's it. Your money will be taken off for SAP's charity and you never,never allow to pass. Even any attempt if you make or you are the britest among the others.
I am making this chellange to SAP over this forum.,I know the SAP education never come forward to deney this truth.
- SAP marking is done through a silly marking system whcih lift your average marks to 71-74 aginst the pass mark of 70. Provided....! that you said in your evaluation form that you dont have any experience in SAP. This case even you dont want to pass, but SAP dont allow you to FAIL. This is true,true,true and true i am wrting this based on my experience.
-Causion, if you say 'yes' for experience then that's it. Your money will be taken off for SAP's charity and you never,never allow to pass. Even any attempt if you make or you are the britest among the others.
I am making this chellange to SAP over this forum.,I know the SAP education never come forward to deney this truth.