I have informix 9.40.FC7. I have a 31 million line table that I extract information from. It takes up to 7 days now to finish. I don't know if it runs the 4 "case" lines against each row or if it is running 1 "case" against the 31 million rows and then moves to the next "case". Any ideas? I'd appreciate any assistance! Thanks!
set isolation to dirty read;
select f.patkey,f.invno,f.orderno,f.dx_orderno
from findiag f
into temp temp1 with no log;
select t.patkey,t.invno,
when t.orderno = 1 then p.dxcode else " " end diag1,
when t.orderno = 2 then p.dxcode else " " end diag2,
when t.orderno = 3 then p.dxcode else " " end diag3,
when t.orderno = 4 then p.dxcode else " " end diag4
from temp1 t,patdiag p
where t.patkey = p.patkey
and t.dx_orderno = p.order_no
and p.active = 'Y'
into temp temp2 with no log;
unload to 'trandiag1.txt'
select * from temp2;
unload to 'trandiag.txt'
select t.patkey,t.invno,MAX(diag1) as d1,
MAX(diag2) as d2,
MAX(diag3) as d3,
MAX(diag4) as d4
from temp2 t
group by 1,2;