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DNS on W3K 1

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Technical User
Mar 26, 2004
I have currently the first Domain controller running fine with AD and DNS. I wanted a second machine to be second domain controller of the same domain. So i installed W3K and then AD.
But when it comes to DNS in this second dc , i am not sure how to proceed. During the wizard i should choose the Primary or the Secondary. If i choose the secondary, its asks to point where the dns file has to be copied from - which all i dont understand ( i am a newbie )

My purpose is that if the first dc goes down the second dc should be able to authenticate the LAN users and the LAN users should be able to use the LAN resources as if they were using the first dc.
Is their any step by step documentation or somebody can help me on this.
I would convert your first DNS server to an Active Directory Integrated DNS server. Then you would choose Active Directory Integrated for the second DNS server. If you don't want to do this, then the second DNS server will be a Secondary server and it will point to the first DNS server (the Primary DNS) server.

Active Directory Integrated DNS servers are better when you use Dynamic DNS, because each DNS has a writable copy of the DNS zone file. If you have Primary/Secondary design and the Primary goes down, clients will have problems updating there DNS records.


The good ole days weren't always good
and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems
Mike: Appreciate your quick response.
I am interested in doing Active Directory Integrated DNS for the first and second dc.
As i said i am a newbie if you could help in the following steps:

1. How to identify whether i have already done Active Directory Integrated.
2. If not how to do it on the first dc
3. How to install the DNS on the second dc ( steps involved )
4. Finally what all needed to be tested to confirm whether the DNS is working fine in both of them.

Appreciate for a quick response.
Here's how to convert and to check Integrated DNS.

During the install process of your second DC, it will ask you if you want to install DNS (just like the first DC).

After set up the second DNS server, use the DNS Admin MMC to see if there are records in your domain. You can use NSLOOKUP and point it to each server, then try to lookup DNS records. Type NSLOOKUP and then type Help. Give a try and come back if you can't get it to work


The good ole days weren't always good
and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems
Mike thanks for your quick reply:

I found from your link on testing that my DNS is Active Directory Integrated.
Some info
My firstdc machine name: dmfirst
My firstdc ip :
My seconddc machine name : dmsecond
My seconddc ip :
My domain name : idsnc.com

Then i installed the DNS on the second and did the following tests on the second dc . Please tell me whether it looks good or what all changes or further tests i need to do.
Also one thing i noticed is that in my firstDC DNS , under the forward look up zone i have a record named _mscdcs.idsnc.com which i couldnt find under my second dc. Is this necessary or will it replicate later.


Default Server: dmsecond.idsnc.com

> dmsecond.idsnc.com
Server: dmsecond.idsnc.com

Name: dmsecond.idsnc.com

> dmfirst.idsnc.com
Server: dmsecond.idsnc.com

Name: dmfirst.idsnc.com

> dmsecond
Server: dmsecond.idsnc.com

Name: dmsecond.idsnc.com

> dmfirst
Server: dmsecond.idsnc.com

Name: dmfirst.idsnc.com

> exit

D:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.IDSNC>ipconfig/all

Windows IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : dmsecond
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : idsnc.com
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : idsnc.com

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI For Complete
PC Management NIC (3C905C-TX)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-50-DA-BC-7B-6F
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
Primary WINS Server . . . . . . . :

Looking forward for a reply soon.

As far as I can tell everything looks ok. As for the _mscdcs.idsnc.com record. This is a SRV record (Service Locator Record). SRV records are used to find things like: Domain Controllers, Global Catalog Servers and other Active Directory services. This record should be on each DNS server. How long has the second DNS server been up and running? I would think it would have replicated by now.


The good ole days weren't always good
and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems
Good points Mike, couldn't have said it better myself. Here's a star.

Glen A. Johnson
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