I have to change our wan suffix and am using DNS/DHCP Management Console v6, so I have to create the A record in the new domain, delete it from the old domain and then create a cname in the old that points to the new.
As you can imagine this is very time consuming since we have many entries. I played with the export function, and looked at the outputs in excel. My plan was to create an import file with the editing power of excel, but am unsure what the import function will do in the management console - will it overwrite it or merge it, and why does it ask for a zone context to store the records in? Help!
I searched around and can't find any good documentation on this.
As you can imagine this is very time consuming since we have many entries. I played with the export function, and looked at the outputs in excel. My plan was to create an import file with the editing power of excel, but am unsure what the import function will do in the management console - will it overwrite it or merge it, and why does it ask for a zone context to store the records in? Help!
I searched around and can't find any good documentation on this.