Hi all hope some one can help.
I have a RAQ 3 server with UK2 to host my domain names with for one domain name gamekeeperonline.co.uk I have paid for DNS amanagement to be set up to direct traffic to my domain on my server, I tried setting it up myself but it did not work until I had paid the fee they most be able to over ride the setting or something. Any way heres the problem their DNS managemnet went down last week and after a brief period over the weekend when it was up again then it went down again I have contacted them every day telling them thereis a problem (throught their form) but they have not been back intouch and my site is still down anyone any ideas apart form me traveling down to London and kiking the S?%*T out of them?
I have a RAQ 3 server with UK2 to host my domain names with for one domain name gamekeeperonline.co.uk I have paid for DNS amanagement to be set up to direct traffic to my domain on my server, I tried setting it up myself but it did not work until I had paid the fee they most be able to over ride the setting or something. Any way heres the problem their DNS managemnet went down last week and after a brief period over the weekend when it was up again then it went down again I have contacted them every day telling them thereis a problem (throught their form) but they have not been back intouch and my site is still down anyone any ideas apart form me traveling down to London and kiking the S?%*T out of them?