Is there any queries that I can run to tell me home much free space is available in my DMS tablespaces?
I currently run a "select sum(npages) from syscat.tables where tbspace = 'DATA01'" and subtract that number from the "list tablespace containers for 4 show detail" (4 = DATA01)
"select sum(nleaf) from syscat.indexes where tabname in ( select tabname from syscat.tables where index_tbspace = 'INDEX01')" and subtract that from 'list tablespace containers for 5 show detail" (5 = INDEX01)
I currently run a "select sum(npages) from syscat.tables where tbspace = 'DATA01'" and subtract that number from the "list tablespace containers for 4 show detail" (4 = DATA01)
"select sum(nleaf) from syscat.indexes where tabname in ( select tabname from syscat.tables where index_tbspace = 'INDEX01')" and subtract that from 'list tablespace containers for 5 show detail" (5 = INDEX01)