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DLT vs DAT cs Mammoth

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Apr 22, 1999
I'm about to upgrade my current tape drive (Compaq 4 mil DAT 6 tape auto-changer)and I'm wondering what the best choice is in regards to drive-type. <br>
I'm backing up a Novell environment using Arcserve 6.1 and currently have about 80 gig to backup. This could grow to upwards of 200 gig.<br>
Is mammoth my best choice? How about DLT?<br>
I'm concerned about speed and reliability.<br>
has anyone had great success/failure with these?<br>
Any input would be appreciated.<br>
I am currently using Exabyte's 480 with 2 Mammoth drives to backup 2 60 gb Netware servers. This system is hand's off except to pull weekly/monthly tapes out for off-site storage. <br>
Exabyte does an overnight drive swap out when there is a problem - I have been very happy with this system. <br>
I just noticed the date on your posting - doesn't look like people respond quickly around here.<br>
Good Luck!
Thanks alot. I was starting to wonder if anyone would reply.<br>
I'm looking at purchasing the Exabyte 220 to back up around 80 gig of (NetWare) disk space.<br>
I've spoken to Exabyte and they ensure me that they have the best solution but I was hoping to get a reply like yours to give me some real-world confidence.<br>
Thanks again.
I am using DLTs do back up over 100 GB of storage. Works well as far as media goes, although I am not overly excited with ARCserve.<br>
To do a complete backup for us takes from 10 PM until 4 PM the next day. Provided you rotate media correctly and use new media for monthly backup, media reliability is solid. Also to consider with ARCServe is: are you backing up over the wire through a backup server? Or are you running ARCserve on the server in question and having it back up itself? Option B is going to be (obviously) a lot faster.
Onstream ( has a very competitive product for a decent price. We have switched to them for BU on all of our NT boxes. It is working great. We use the 50GB tape cartridges. No problems. The vendor's software is more than adequate to BU full system sets.<br>
As always, test any new device thoroughly on your test node prior to releasing them for use "between the lines." That's baseball jargon. Hope this helps.
We use a DLT7000's in a Storage Tek 9710 silo plus a few stand alone DLT7000's. We haven't had a problem with the drives or media in terms of stability. They are very slow to load up before you can start writing to them, up to 45 seconds, but with Legato Networker we are streaming 4 filesystems to each drive and are pushing through our data at a constant 8 - 10 MB/sec.
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