We Currently have a Sun Storedge L1800 that contains 2 DLT Tape drives 35/70GB of which both have gone bad... The Model# is "TH6XF-EG A07"... I'm thinking of purching a couple on Ebay but the model number is "TH6XF-EG A08"... My question is what is the difference between the model "A07's" and the "A08's"... I also understand that there are even "A22's" etc... They look identical and the specs seem the same but the last three characters in the model number are different (A07 or A08)... Can anybody help me out with this question?
We Currently have a Sun Storedge L1800 that contains 2 DLT Tape drives 35/70GB of which both have gone bad... The Model# is "TH6XF-EG A07"... I'm thinking of purching a couple on Ebay but the model number is "TH6XF-EG A08"... My question is what is the difference between the model "A07's" and the "A08's"... I also understand that there are even "A22's" etc... They look identical and the specs seem the same but the last three characters in the model number are different (A07 or A08)... Can anybody help me out with this question?