I want to compare the password that the user entered with the password that exists for the username in my table.
I have a form with three fields and a cmd button...
I want to put an AFTER UPDATE event in the 'username' field that populates a hidden text box with the password that matches the username in tblUser...
I can do it if I hard code the username and use the DLookup formula..
ex: Me.txtLoggedPassword = DLookup("[Password]", "[tblUser]", "[tblUser]![Username] = 'kinglin'"
PROBLEM: I don't want to hard code the username..I want it to use the string value in txtUserName
I have tried various ways to work the problem including referring to the text box, a variable and a combination of both. It doesn't like my series of quotes and dashes!
Your help with my plight will put me in a much better mood, thanks! JerseyBoy
Remember: self-praise is no recommendation
I want to compare the password that the user entered with the password that exists for the username in my table.
I have a form with three fields and a cmd button...
I want to put an AFTER UPDATE event in the 'username' field that populates a hidden text box with the password that matches the username in tblUser...
I can do it if I hard code the username and use the DLookup formula..
ex: Me.txtLoggedPassword = DLookup("[Password]", "[tblUser]", "[tblUser]![Username] = 'kinglin'"
PROBLEM: I don't want to hard code the username..I want it to use the string value in txtUserName
I have tried various ways to work the problem including referring to the text box, a variable and a combination of both. It doesn't like my series of quotes and dashes!
Your help with my plight will put me in a much better mood, thanks! JerseyBoy
Remember: self-praise is no recommendation