I am trying to test upgrading our 2003 database to 2007. When I start the main form, it goes to the on error portion below. I know it has to do with the dlookup criteria because if I leave it blank, it will take the first record in the table I am searching. I insert a breakpoint at the docmd.maximize and then step into then next line. When it executes the first dlookup, the value is null. I have not had this problem in Access 2003.
Here is the code.
'assignment is located in the Open_form event procedure
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' initializes all the variables
Dim intDepartement As Integer
Dim Test As Variant
Dim inta As String
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Open
User = LCase(CurrentUser())
'inits current user
'looks up the user's personal info in the Employees DB
Me.txtLastName = DLookup("[strLastName]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
'Me.txtLastName = DLookup("[strLastName]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
Me.txtFirstName = DLookup("[strFirstName]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
Me.EmployeeID = DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
inta = ("[DepartmentID]")
intDepartement = DLookup("[DepartmentID]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
Me.txtintDepartement = intDepartement
Me.txtDepartement = DLookup("[strDepartement]", "tblDepartment", "[DepartmentID] =" & intDepartement)
Me.Caption = "Time Sheet / Feuille de Temps de " & Me.txtFirstName & " " & Me.txtLastName
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is an error on the timesheet. Please advise MIS of the following error" & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error!"
' Application.Quit acPrompt
End Sub
I am trying to test upgrading our 2003 database to 2007. When I start the main form, it goes to the on error portion below. I know it has to do with the dlookup criteria because if I leave it blank, it will take the first record in the table I am searching. I insert a breakpoint at the docmd.maximize and then step into then next line. When it executes the first dlookup, the value is null. I have not had this problem in Access 2003.
Here is the code.
'assignment is located in the Open_form event procedure
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' initializes all the variables
Dim intDepartement As Integer
Dim Test As Variant
Dim inta As String
On Error GoTo Err_Form_Open
User = LCase(CurrentUser())
'inits current user
'looks up the user's personal info in the Employees DB
Me.txtLastName = DLookup("[strLastName]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
'Me.txtLastName = DLookup("[strLastName]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
Me.txtFirstName = DLookup("[strFirstName]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
Me.EmployeeID = DLookup("[EmployeeID]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
inta = ("[DepartmentID]")
intDepartement = DLookup("[DepartmentID]", "[tblEmployees]", "LCase([tblEmployees]![strUserName]) = User")
Me.txtintDepartement = intDepartement
Me.txtDepartement = DLookup("[strDepartement]", "tblDepartment", "[DepartmentID] =" & intDepartement)
Me.Caption = "Time Sheet / Feuille de Temps de " & Me.txtFirstName & " " & Me.txtLastName
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is an error on the timesheet. Please advise MIS of the following error" & Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error!"
' Application.Quit acPrompt
End Sub