I have a form with a textbox I am trying to fill with a DLOOKUP to a query.
The form has two combo boxes (which give the query its input), a "run query" button, and the text box.
Here is the Control Source for theText box:
Where "QActivejobs" is the result of the "Qjobsrun" query.
It sort of works, if i go into and out of edit mode the box will update. But no other time. How do I get the Textbox to update when I click on the "Run Query" button?
While I am asking how do I not get the query box to pop up? I only want the textbox filled. BTW the query works every time.
Also, just in case you want to see the Query:
Which asks for all jobs started before yet not finished (still running) for the Day and Hour inputed.
There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. (Bertrand Russell)
I have a form with a textbox I am trying to fill with a DLOOKUP to a query.
The form has two combo boxes (which give the query its input), a "run query" button, and the text box.
Here is the Control Source for theText box:
Where "QActivejobs" is the result of the "Qjobsrun" query.
It sort of works, if i go into and out of edit mode the box will update. But no other time. How do I get the Textbox to update when I click on the "Run Query" button?
While I am asking how do I not get the query box to pop up? I only want the textbox filled. BTW the query works every time.
Also, just in case you want to see the Query:
SELECT Count([430_jobs].[Client]) AS QActivejobs
FROM 430_jobs
WHERE ((([430_jobs].[Day Started])<=([Forms]![jobsrunning]![CmbDay])) AND (([430_jobs].[Hour Started])<=([Forms]![jobsrunning]![CmbHour])) AND (([430_jobs].[Day Finished])>=([Forms]![jobsrunning]![CmbDay])) AND (([430_jobs].[Hour Finished])>=([Forms]![jobsrunning]![CmbHour])));
There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. (Bertrand Russell)