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DLL problem

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Jun 6, 2003
I am having a problem while using my application in other system.
I created a DLL and using in my application. It is working fine in the same computer. But if I use the application in other computer then it is giving the following error.
Active X component can't create object.
is DLL must be registed in that system before I use it?
if so then How to registed a DLL? I tried few things but I could not sucessded. any ideas please.
thanks in advance

To use the DLL on another system you will need to register it using 'regsvr32.exe' e.g.

Go to the command prompt and CD to the directory containing the required DLL. Then use the regsvr command as follows:

regsvr32 yourDllName.dll
to unregister use:
regsvr32 yourDllName.dll /u

You should get a window confirming success / failure.

I use a freeware DLL and VB help says it looks for DLL's in the App.Path then Windows\System then Windows\System\somethingelse then then down the PATH settings. I had to get it wrong before I read the instructions!!!

Is the DLL in one of these directories? If so I have no further suggestions.
Thanx wuxapian for the warning. I never registered my DLL and it always works if it is in a "looked for place".
I just copied into the directories with the VB files in, and in the directory with the exe file.

what am I doing right?

What is the advantage of registering or is this done if you generate an installation package?
Hi Cresby,
can you tell me what's that freeware DLL. is it a software?
thanks in advance
- Chandra
Hi Wux,
manually registing a DLL is ok.
if I want to distribute my application then how to register this DLL in to the system automatically?
any ideas.
thanks in advance.
Fourier anaylsis - not at my PC so I can't tell you the URL I got it from. It is just one DLL file of 1.3Mb and an HTML Help file with sparse info but if you know your Fourier it is all there - just about (albeit translated from Chinese!).

It is intended for C++ and that was a puzzle figuring-out the size of variables and matching sizes, then I had to reference to array(0) as the first location = pointer. Anyway just like API's I just declare subroutines and type structures then use it.

The "how to" visa vis VB and DLL's is in the VB help file and like all of it buried in phrases you wouldn't guess at - it took me a few goes to find what I needed.

In the installation package wizard I make sure the destination is same as the exe file. So much for theory but I haven't tried installing from cold. The exe though finds the unique DLL in the App.Path and reports not if the DLL is not in the App.Path.
>>I never registered my DLL and it always works if it is in a "looked for place".

Then it's not a COM server (these need to be registered), but a plain dll (which must be used in VB by Declare Function .... etc.).

Use the package and deployment wizard for distributing yuor app and any dependencies. If it needs to be registered, you can have the wizard to that for you during installation. Don't ask me how; it's a long time ago I used this wizard....


Yea it rings bells - I looked in Help and didn't see anything that seemed to apply to me. As it worked I must have assumed it was a "do nothing deal". Or a find out the hard way option.
COM DLL's are great if made with the Type Library Info embedded (vb does this)

All the work you did to build the DECLARE statements is done for you. If the the COM object was created without Type Library Info then good luck using it without documentation.

When deploying 3rd party DLLs
1) make sure you have rights to actually distribute them
2) make sure you have the dependancy information for those DLLs else you'll be in the same boat.

Point taken - the search for the DLL I use was with the criterion of being copyright free. And it is not without conditions, as you would expect.
ooops let me clarify
"2) make sure you have the dependancy information for those DLLs else you'll be in the same boat."

Has nothing to do with #1. It has to do with the fact that if there is dependancies and you don't include them in the setup then it will break to. There that is bit clearer for anyone that might have understood my statement.
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