We have a windows NT4 machine acting as a print server, we installed some Collaboration Foundation software on it but had a problem with it, so when we re-install this software, upon rebooting, we get a few errors about some DLL's being missing.
SPOOLSS.exe can't find RNNFSNP.DLL
MPNOTIFY.exe can't find RNNFS32.DLL
USERINIT.ese can't find RNNFS32.DLL
Does anybody know where i can get these dll's from? i tried google but that came back with nothing and don't haven them either.
"Experience is the result of failure
SPOOLSS.exe can't find RNNFSNP.DLL
MPNOTIFY.exe can't find RNNFS32.DLL
USERINIT.ese can't find RNNFS32.DLL
Does anybody know where i can get these dll's from? i tried google but that came back with nothing and don't haven them either.
"Experience is the result of failure