i have a big problem with a dll msword.olb, i have tested it on 3 computers and no problem but on one pc running windows xp and office xp the same version installed on my 3 pc that works fine, it does'nt work!!
I could'nt understand what the probleme is the msword.olb is linked correctly in ms access but i always got an error, i have also re-installed the office xp and nothing.
Heres a part of my code:
Dim wApp As Word.Application
Set wApp = New Word.Application
wApp.Visible = True 'permet d'afficher à l'écran le transfert de texte
'ouverture du document Word
wApp.Documents.Open strCheminBase & "\text-test.doc"
Could someone tells me what the problem is?
Thanks a lot for your help.
i have a big problem with a dll msword.olb, i have tested it on 3 computers and no problem but on one pc running windows xp and office xp the same version installed on my 3 pc that works fine, it does'nt work!!
I could'nt understand what the probleme is the msword.olb is linked correctly in ms access but i always got an error, i have also re-installed the office xp and nothing.
Heres a part of my code:
Dim wApp As Word.Application
Set wApp = New Word.Application
wApp.Visible = True 'permet d'afficher à l'écran le transfert de texte
'ouverture du document Word
wApp.Documents.Open strCheminBase & "\text-test.doc"
Could someone tells me what the problem is?
Thanks a lot for your help.