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'Miscellaneous strings used in the app
Public Const PATH_SEP = "\" 'Path separator in a filename
'Stores attributes of an exe or dll
Public Type DLL_ATTRIB
strCompany As String 'Company name
strCreated As String 'Date created
strLastAccessed As String 'Date last accessed
strModified As String 'Date last modified
strFileDesc As String 'File description
strFileVer As String 'File version
strIntName As String 'Internal name
strCopyright As String 'Legal copyright
strOrigName As String 'Original filename
strProdName As String 'Product name
strProdVer As String 'Product version
strSize As String 'File size in bytes
End Type
Public Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetSystemDirectoryA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _
ByVal nSize As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function GetFileVersionInfo Lib "Version.dll" _
Alias "GetFileVersionInfoA" _
(ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _
ByVal dwhandle As Long, _
ByVal dwlen As Long, _
lpData As Any) As Long
Public Declare Function GetFileVersionInfoSize Lib "Version.dll" _
Alias "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" _
(ByVal lptstrFilename As String, _
lpdwHandle As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function VerQueryValue Lib "Version.dll" _
Alias "VerQueryValueA" _
(pBlock As Any, _
ByVal lpSubBlock As String, _
lplpBuffer As Any, _
puLen As Long) As Long
Public Declare Sub MoveMemory Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
(dest As Any, _
ByVal Source As Long, _
ByVal Length As Long)
Public Declare Function lstrcpy Lib "kernel32" _
Alias "lstrcpyA" _
(ByVal lpString1 As String, _
ByVal lpString2 As Long) As Long
Public Function fStripNulls(ByVal strIn As String) As String
'--- Given a null terminated string, removes the null
' char and any chars to the right
' Returns the string stripped of nulls
If InStr(1, strIn, Chr$(0)) > 0 Then
strIn = Left$(strIn, InStr(1, strIn, Chr$(0)) - 1)
strIn = vbNullString
End If
'Return value
fStripNulls = strIn
End Function
Public Function fGetVersionInfo(ByVal strFile As String) As DLL_ATTRIB
'--- Given the filename of an exe or dll, retrieves file
' attributes and returns them in a udt
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject 'WSH FileSystem object to get version etc
Dim objFile As File 'WSH File object
Dim lngRtn As Long 'API function return value
Dim lngHandle As Long 'Not used, set to 0 by GetFileVersionInfoSize
Dim lngBufferLen As Long 'Length of string buffer
Dim lngVerPtr As Long 'Pointer to version info
Dim lngHex As Long 'Buffer for values to be converted to hex string
Dim strTmp1 As String 'Temp string buffer
Dim strTmp2 As String 'Temp string buffer
Dim strTmp3 As String 'Temp string buffer
Dim strLangCharset As String 'Language and code page hex identifier
Dim abytTmp1() As Byte 'Temp byte array buffer
Dim abytTmp2() As Byte 'Temp byte array buffer
'If the passed in filename doesn't contain
'the full path, try it as a system file
If InStr(1, strFile, PATH_SEP) = 0 Then
strTmp1 = String(255, "0")
lngRtn = GetSystemDirectory(strTmp1, Len(strTmp1))
strFile = fStripNulls(strTmp1) & PATH_SEP & strFile
End If
'Get size of version resource
lngBufferLen = GetFileVersionInfoSize(strFile, lngHandle)
If lngBufferLen < 1 Then
'No Version Info available
Exit Function
End If
'Size the byte array
ReDim abytTmp1(lngBufferLen)
'Retrieve the version info into the byte array
lngRtn = GetFileVersionInfo(strFile, _
CLng(0), lngBufferLen, abytTmp1(0))
If lngRtn = 0 Then
'GetFileVersionInfo failed
Exit Function
End If
'Query the byte buffer for language id & code page
lngRtn = VerQueryValue(abytTmp1(0), _
"\VarFileInfo\Translation", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen)
If lngRtn = 0 Then
'VerQueryValue failed
Exit Function
End If
'lngVerPtr is a pointer to four 4 bytes of Hex number,
'first two bytes are language id, and last two bytes are code
'page. However, Lang_Charset_String needs a string of
'4 hex digits, the first two characters correspond to the
'language id and last two the last two character correspond
'to the code page id.
'now we change the order of the language id and code page
'and convert it into a string representation.
'For example, it may look like 040904E4
'Or to pull it all apart:
'--09---- = LANG_ENGLISH
' ----04E4 = 1252 = Codepage for Windows:Multilingual
ReDim abytTmp2(255)
MoveMemory abytTmp2(0), lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen
lngHex = abytTmp2(2) + abytTmp2(3) * &H100 + _
abytTmp2(0) * &H10000 + abytTmp2(1) * &H1000000
strLangCharset = Hex$(lngHex)
'Zero fill from left to length 8
Do While Len(strLangCharset) < 8
strLangCharset = "0" & strLangCharset
'Get each piece of information and return it
'Company name
fGetVersionInfo.strCompany = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"CompanyName", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'File description
fGetVersionInfo.strFileDesc = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"FileDescription", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'File version
fGetVersionInfo.strFileVer = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"FileVersion", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'Internal name
fGetVersionInfo.strIntName = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"InternalName", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
fGetVersionInfo.strCopyright = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"LegalCopyright", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'Original filename
fGetVersionInfo.strOrigName = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"OriginalFileName", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'Product name
fGetVersionInfo.strProdName = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"ProductName", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'Product version
fGetVersionInfo.strProdVer = fQueryVersionInfo(strLangCharset, _
"ProductVersion", lngVerPtr, lngBufferLen, abytTmp1)
'*** Problem with W98 ***
'Testing on W98, the File object's DateCreated property
'returns an "application or object error" (according to a
'watch on objFile) for a few system files. When the property
'is read, VB raises run-time error 5, illegal function call
'Tried to use the GetFileTime API but it needs a handle to
'the file and CreateFile wouldn't open these system files,
'like Kernel32.dll, on W98
'Both methods work fine for all system files on XP
'Have to workaround the W98 issue with Resume Next
'Return some file attributes from the WSH File object
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
Set objFile = objFSO.GetFile(strFile)
'Handle unexpected W98 errors
On Error GoTo LocalErr
With objFile
'Date created
'Buffer the date created in case an error is raised
strTmp3 = .DateCreated
fGetVersionInfo.strCreated = strTmp3
'Date last accessed
fGetVersionInfo.strLastAccessed = .DateLastAccessed
'Date last modified
fGetVersionInfo.strModified = .DateLastModified
'File size
fGetVersionInfo.strSize = .Size
End With
GoTo ExitFunc
Select Case Err.Number
Case 5
'Workaround W98 problem
'Return unknown for the creation date
strTmp3 = "(unknown)"
Resume Next
Case Else
'Release object references
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
'Turn off the local handler
On Error GoTo 0
'Pass the error up the call stack
Err.Raise Err.Number, , Err.Description
End Select
'Release object references
Set objFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
Paul Bent
Northwind IT Systems
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