Hello, I have a crystal report that runs based on time frame and state. The problem come from a formula I have within the report:
totext(sum({@precursor count})/sum({@Serious Event Count}),0,"")
this is a great formula, but when I run it for a particular time frame it gives me the following error:
Error in File Safety- First Events Summary: Error in formula serious to Precursor 2: 'totext(sum({@precursor count})/sum({@Serious Event Count}),0,"")' Division by zero. Details: errorKind
So I am trying to fix it with the following formula:
if isnull ({@Serious Event Count}) or ({@Serious Event Count}) = 0 then 0 else
totext(sum({@precursor count})/sum({@Serious Event Count}),0,"")
except I the following error: "A number is required here"- highlighting the last line in the formula.
Can someone help me with my formatting.
Thanks in advance!!
totext(sum({@precursor count})/sum({@Serious Event Count}),0,"")
this is a great formula, but when I run it for a particular time frame it gives me the following error:
Error in File Safety- First Events Summary: Error in formula serious to Precursor 2: 'totext(sum({@precursor count})/sum({@Serious Event Count}),0,"")' Division by zero. Details: errorKind
So I am trying to fix it with the following formula:
if isnull ({@Serious Event Count}) or ({@Serious Event Count}) = 0 then 0 else
totext(sum({@precursor count})/sum({@Serious Event Count}),0,"")
except I the following error: "A number is required here"- highlighting the last line in the formula.
Can someone help me with my formatting.
Thanks in advance!!