Technical User
CRV10 I have this formula:
If {#Term} = 0 Then
Truncate (({#Term} / {#Active}) * 100,2)
The formula works fine but when you are paging through the report, when you reach a certain page, the "Division by Zero" caution message pops up. I believe it is because on this particular page, in one department, the number of active is 0 and the number of term is 1 and you can't divide 1 by 0. Does anyone know a way around this?
If {#Term} = 0 Then
Truncate (({#Term} / {#Active}) * 100,2)
The formula works fine but when you are paging through the report, when you reach a certain page, the "Division by Zero" caution message pops up. I believe it is because on this particular page, in one department, the number of active is 0 and the number of term is 1 and you can't divide 1 by 0. Does anyone know a way around this?