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Distributing ODBC for linked SQL server in Citrix Environment 1

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May 21, 2002
Hi Folks,

I think the question sums up what I need to do.

I've got my back-end tables in an SQL Server 2000 database and a front-end which links via ODBC. It works fine on my machine because I've set up the ODBC connection.

However, I want to distribute the front-end to my users so they can do the work ;0)

Is there a way of transparently doing this, ideally without going to each machine and setting up the ODBC on each machine?


Hi Goth,

Yes there is. This is lengthy and a tad complicated though (Especially if you don't have VBA knowledge). Most of the code is cut and past though (check for my comments where it says you need to change the database name and path). I broke it out into steps to help. MAKE A BACKUP!!!

In the end this will setup the connection without the need for a DSN, and dynamically link via ODBC. Deleting the links is helpful because then if you make any changes to the table structure, you don't have to send out a new front end because every time the user logs in and out they get fresh links (and it "opens the connection", giving a slight performance boost).

Let me know if this works for you.

Note: you must have Microsoft DAO 3.5 object library (or higher version) in your references for this to work. Let me know if you need help checking this.

------------Step 1-------------

In your access front end, create a table called “tblSQLTables”.

The table needs three fields all of type Text:


Enter the name of every table you are currently linking to on the back end in field [SQLTable]. Enter the name of the SQL database in field [SQLDatabase], and lastly enter the path in the field [SQLServer] (it will help to just set these as default values in the table structure)

For example:
[SQLTable] [SQLDatabase] [SQLServer]

And so on and so forth for every table.

------------Step 2-------------

Then create a module, and save it as “basStartup”. Inside basStartup paste this code:

Function Startup()
End Function

------------Step 3-------------

Then create a module, call it “basLinkTables”

Paste the below code into this module:

Public Function DeleteLinks()
' This will erase all the linked tables that you put in the tblSQLTables table you created (they will be recreated with the next function)

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim RST As DAO.Recordset
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim strTable As String

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set RST = db.OpenRecordset("tblSQLTables", dbOpenSnapshot)

‘Forms.frmSPLASH.[LblFunction].Caption = "Deleting:" ‘This code is if you have some sort of splash screen that loads on open, I have
‘Forms.frmSPLASH.[lblLoading].Caption = "Expired Table Links" ‘Left it as a comment in case you want to modify it.
‘DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "frmSPLASH"

On Error GoTo HandleErr

Do Until RST.EOF
strTable = RST!SQLTable
CurrentDb.Execute "DROP TABLE [" & strTable & "]"

Set RST = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Exit Function

MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Error in DeleteLinks()"
Resume ExitHere
End Function
Public Function LinkTables()
‘This function then dynamically re-links the tables you have listed in the tblSQLTables table you created.

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim RST As DAO.Recordset
Dim strServer As String
Dim strDB As String
Dim strTable As String
Dim strConnect As String
Dim strMsg As String

On Error GoTo HandleErr

'Build base Authentication strings.
‘You must enter your proper Server path, and Database name here.
strConnect = "ODBC;Driver={SQL Server};Server=WH-SQLDEVVS01;Database=SPContact;Trusted_Connection=Yes"

'Create a recordset to obtain server object names
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set RST = db.OpenRecordset("tblSQLTables", dbOpenSnapshot)
strMsg = "There are no tables listed to link to."
MsgBox strMsg, , "No tables"
GoTo ExitHere
End If

‘Forms.frmSPLASH.[LblFunction].Caption = "Relinking:" This is another part of the splash form feature, left as a comment

Do Until RST.EOF
strServer = RST!SQLServer
strDB = RST!SQLDatabase
strTable = RST!SQLTable

‘Forms.frmSPLASH.[lblLoading].Caption = strTable This is again for a splash form. This cool trick updates a label on the splash form
‘DoCmd.RepaintObject acForm, "frmSPLASH" and shows them the table names that are relinking. I left it as a comment in case you want it.

' Create a new TableDef object.
Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef(strTable)

' Set the Connect property to establish the link
tdf.Connect = strConnect & "Server=" & strServer & ";Database=" & strDB & ";"
tdf.SourceTableName = strTable

' Append to the database's TableDefs colelction.
db.TableDefs.Append tdf

Set RST = Nothing
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Exit Function

Select Case Err
Case Else
strMsg = Err & ": " & Err.Description
Exit Function
End Select

End Function

------------Step 4-------------

Create a Macro and save it as "autoexec", and use the action "RunCode". In the RunCode argument type “Startup()” (without the “”) A macro saved with this name will automatically run when the database opens.

------------Step 5--------------

That’s it! If you want to use a splash form, then create a form and save it as "frmSplash". In the form, put two labels in it, one named "LblFunction" and one "lblLoading" (put a period, or , or anything inside the label so you can create it.). In the Startup() function add DoCmd.OpenForm “frmSplash”


Function Startup()
End Function

Take off the comments ‘ I put on the frmSplash code I left intact above, and your set.
Hi ordendelfai,

Excellent, thanks. With a little modification it worked fine - just had to add a brace of [] around the table name when dropping and woohoo, off it went ;0)

Have a star for that.


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