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Distinct row based upon date/time criterion 1

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Technical User
Aug 15, 2002
I have little sql experience beyond the access gui and would appreciate any tips on how to get this started.

Based upon my event dataset I need to create a query which returns for each day the first event of each day in the dataset based upon a data/time criteria.

That criteria is a) the first event after time x on a day if there is no ongoing event at that time and b) the first event after time x if an event is ongoing at time x.

I imagine that the reason you have not got an answer is that you have not provided an attempt at the sql nor have you provided any sample data.
Thanks for the feedback Remou.

As indicated in the initial post I was unsure on how to get this started using sql as opposed to the access query gui.

A colleague created the following, using sql server, and I will now have a go at translating this into a code which I can use in access.

If anyone can offer any assistence in this translation process it would be most appreciated.


declare @time_of_day datetime
set @time_of_day = '1/1/1900 8:30:00'

select Operation.[op date],
[Operation id],
--calc delay = start time - (later of "" end time OR @Time_of_day)
[first operation].[arrive theatre] - isnull([Operation in progress].[depart theatre], Operation.[op date] + @time_of_day) as [start delay]
from Operation --the operations
inner join (
select [op date], --the first operation begining after @time_of_day for each day and theatre
min([arrive theatre]) as [arrive theatre]
from Operation
where [arrive theatre] > [op date] + @time_of_day
group by [op date],
) as [first operation] on Operation.[op date] = [first operation].[op date]
and Operation.[arrive theatre] = [first operation].[arrive theatre]
and Operation.Theatre = [first operation].Theatre
left join (
select [op date], --end time of any operation "in progress" at @time_of_day
min([depart theatre]) as [depart theatre]
from Operation
where [op date] + @time_of_day between [arrive theatre] and [depart theatre]
group by [op date],
) as [Operation in progress] on Operation.[op date] = [Operation in progress].[op date]
and Operation.Theatre = [Operation in progress].Theatre
order by Operation.[op date],
But then again there is nothing like self help!

SELECT Transformation.Theatre, Transformation.[Op Date], Transformation.[Operation Id], [qry NT 1]![Anaes Start]-IIf(IsNull([qry NT 2]![Surg Fin]),0.3541661,[qry NT 2]![Surg Fin]) AS [Start Delay], Transformation.Year, Transformation.Month, Transformation.Specialty, Transformation.SurgDay
FROM (Transformation INNER JOIN [qry NT 1] ON (Transformation.Theatre = [qry NT 1].Theatre) AND (Transformation.[Anaes Start] = [qry NT 1].[Anaes Start]) AND (Transformation.[Op Date] = [qry NT 1].[Op Date])) LEFT JOIN [qry NT 2] ON (Transformation.Theatre = [qry NT 2].Theatre) AND (Transformation.[Op Date] = [qry NT 2].[Op Date])
ORDER BY Transformation.Theatre, Transformation.[Op Date];
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Part and Inventory Search

