I am trying to select machine_sk records based on owner_cust_id records. Essentially if a owner_cust_id record is associated with more than one machine_sk I want to get only one of the machine_sks. I have tried many variations of the last portion of my sql query and have come up empty handed. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
(The query does not typically return results akin to below. I want to return only the machine_sk coulmn the owner_cust_id portion is only there for illustration.)
(The query does not typically return results akin to below. I want to return only the machine_sk coulmn the owner_cust_id portion is only there for illustration.)
machine_sk owner_cust_id
69003 7307
69944 14395
71907 14395
59844 46214
68355 46214
67755 49389
71916 56253
43181 56715
43623 56715
48777 60994
declare @location_bldg_num char(30)
set @location_bldg_num = '800a'
select a.machine_sk
from machine a
where a.location_bldg_num = @location_bldg_num
and a.machine_status = 'a'
and a.os in ('windows 2000','windows xp')
and a.sandia_prop_num is not null
and a.machine_sk not in (select t.machine_sk
from wfa_log t
where t.location_bldg_num = @location_bldg_num
and t.wfa_log_id = (select max(wfa_log_id)
from wfa_log z
where a.machine_sk = z.machine_sk)
and ((t.audit_customer_complete is null
and t.rcd_chg_date_time > dateadd(day,-90,getdate()))
or (t.audit_customer_complete is not null
and t.audit_customer_complete > dateadd(day,-365,getdate()))))
and a.machine_sk not in (select top 1 q.machine_sk
from machine q
where q.location_bldg_num = @location_bldg_num
group by q.machine_sk
having count(q.owner_cust_id) > 1)