Here's my query. It's for an access db - I'm trying to return both columns, the product id and productdate, order it by productdate, and have no duplicate records based on productid.
Is this possible? I'm was using distinct before, without luck. I removed it, but nothing still. Here's the query I'm trying to use without luck. Thanks.
SELECT ProductID, ProductDate
FROM Products
WHERE ProductDate >= #1/1/03# AND ProductDate <= #6/1/03#
GROUP BY ProductID, ProductDate
ORDER BY ProductDate;
I'm still getting some duplicate ProductIDs. (Duplicate ProductsIDs when the ProductDate is different). Not as much as before. Any thoughts? I gladly appreciate it. Thanks!
Is this possible? I'm was using distinct before, without luck. I removed it, but nothing still. Here's the query I'm trying to use without luck. Thanks.
SELECT ProductID, ProductDate
FROM Products
WHERE ProductDate >= #1/1/03# AND ProductDate <= #6/1/03#
GROUP BY ProductID, ProductDate
ORDER BY ProductDate;
I'm still getting some duplicate ProductIDs. (Duplicate ProductsIDs when the ProductDate is different). Not as much as before. Any thoughts? I gladly appreciate it. Thanks!