Technical User
I'm curious if any SX2K user with a fairly large system has ever seen this anomaly. I have a system w/16 per cabs (expanded pers) w/flex dims for 1600 supersets, MFRD 23 (LW32, U-03.9.9). Frequently when performing a mov/swap between dissimilar DNIC devices, i.e., between a ss4025 and a ss4150, the state command will indicate the incorrect set type on the PLID and the set will be OOS. However, in checking the PLID in the DNI assignment form, the programmed DNI type is correct. To fix it you must toggle the DNI types from one to another and then back to what it should be. Thereafter the state command shows the correct device type and the instrument will then come up. I know that the set "type" does not follow the mov/swap, but the programmed DNI assignment shows to be correct tho the state command says something else. Only by toggling the programmed type are we able to recover. Mitel Product Support professes not to have ever seen this but our TAM has personally witnessed it. Anyone else?