DISPLAY STRUCTURE TO PRINTER prints out in field # sequence. What I would like to do is print out in field name sequence. Is there any way to accomplish this?<br>Appreciate any direction.<br>THX
I haven't gone to the books, but off the top of my head,<br>you could modify the structure of the table so that the names are in the order you want -- Short of that you might do an ordered query and display the structure of the resulting dbf or cursor.<br><br>--cd.
CDavis:<br>Thanks for your comments. . .my problem is that I have<br>over 30 tables of 254 fields each(the limit)7000+ fields. . .mostly 1n1, As I was building the data environment I never thought I might want alpha, My reason now is to audit fields names. . .makes me wonder if I didn't build it fundamentally wrong! How would I "display the structure of the dbf or cursor"? or maybe a "View" ? Feedback requested<br>THX<br><br>
You might want to check out the afields() and asort() functions. You could write some code with these to accomplish what you want.<br><br>You might also play around with the copy structure extended command.<br><br>create a table with to hold the info with something like...<br><br>fieldname c 25<br>whatever else<br><br>call it tableorder or some clever name... then...<br><br><br>use yourfirsttable<br>copy stru extended to temp<br>use tableorder in 2<br>append from temp<br><br>Loop through however you need too then....<br><br>use tableorder<br>index on fieldname tag whatever<br><br>report form xxx to prin<br><br>Well I think you probably get the idea.<br><br><br>Hope this helps<br>Tom Gahagan<br>REST<br>
Would This Help, The structure of Sys_Dict.Dbf is easy, It is the same as Copy Stru Extended.<br><br><br>*/***************************************************************************<br>*/Program : SYS_DICT.PRG<br>*/System :<br>*/Purpose : Create a generic data dictionary program<br>*/Syntax : =SYS_DICT() or =SYS_DICT("c:\xxx\xxx"<br>*/Returns : nothing<br>*/Parameter : DIR - string - Directory to build the data dictionary in<br>*/Defaults : dir = sys(5)+sys(2003)<br>*/Requires : nothing<br>*/Changes : SYS_DICT.DBF<br>*/Version : 1.0<br>*/Dated : 23 May 1993<br>*/Written By: David W. Grewe<br>*/***************************************************************************<br>*& Utility - Programing<br>*/***************************************************************************<br>*/ Record Of Change<br>*/<br>*/***************************************************************************<br>*/ Program standards:<br>*/ FoxPro Command Words - lower case<br>*/ Memory Variables & UDFs - UPPER CASE<br>*/ Memory variable naming method:<br>*/ F_ (Global - File) Holds Info About The User.<br>*/ C_ (Global - Constant) once defined they are never changed.<br>*/ G_ (Global - Public   may be accessed/changed by any file or procedure.<br>*/ P_ (Private - used to pass values as parameters to and from procedures.<br>*/ L_ (Private - used only inside a file or procedure.<br>*/***************************************************************************<br>parameter pcSearchPath<br>if parameters() < 1 or type("pcSearchPath" # "C"<br> pcSearchPath = sys(5)+sys(2003)<br>endif<br>*<br>set default to (pcSearchPath) && Shift default to work area<br><br>set step on<br><br>if sys(5)+sys(2003) != pcSearchPath<br> wait window proper(pcSearchPath) + chr(13) + "is not a valid path !!"<br> on error<br> set defa to &lcStartDir<br> return<br>endif<br>*<br>if right(pcSearchPath,1) != "\"<br> pcSearchPath = pcSearchPath + "\"<br>endif<br>*<br>if upper(pcSearchPath) = sys(2004)<br> set defa to &lcStartDir<br> wait window "FoxPro launch directory " + chr(13) + ;<br> proper(sys(2004)) + " is not available !!"<br> on error<br> return<br>endif<br>*<br>* set enviroment<br>*<br>close all<br>clear<br>set sysmenu on<br>set sysmenu to default<br>set exclu off<br>set exact on<br>set talk off<br>set exclusive off<br>set safety off<br>on error **<br>*<br>* declare memvars<br>*<br>lnDbfs=0<br>lnFields=0<br>lcStartDir = sys(5)+sys(2003)<br>lcDataDbf=pcSearchPath + "SYS_DICT.DBF"<br>lcDataCdx=pcSearchPath + "SYS_DICT.CDX"<br>lcDataFpt=pcSearchPath + "SYS_DICT.FPT"<br>*<br>* Open/Create Databases<br>*<br>if file(lcDataDbf)<br> use (lcDataDbf) order table alias SYS_DICT exclu<br> copy stru to C:\TEMP<br> select 0<br> use C:\TEMP exclu<br>else<br> return<br>endif<br>set order to table<br>*<br>* Test for dbf files in specified path<br>*<br>lnDbfs=adir(laDbfs,"*.DBF"<br>if lnDbfs < 1<br> wait window proper(pcSearchPath) + chr(13) + "does not contain databases !!"<br>else<br>*<br>* ran out of reasons not to do it so here goes<br>*<br> =asort(laDbfs)<br> @ 1,1 say "Databases To Place In Dictionary"<br> @ 2,12 say lnDbfs<br> @ 3,1 say "Completed"<br> for I = 1 to lnDbfs<br> @ 3,12 say I<br> @ 4,12 say padr(laDbfs(I,1),15)<br> do case<br> case upper(laDbfs(I,1))="SYS_DICT.DBF"<br> loop<br> case upper(laDbfs(I,1))="FOXUSER.DBF"<br> loop<br> case substr(upper(laDbfs(I,1)),1,4)="TEMP"<br> loop<br> case substr(upper(laDbfs(I,1)),1,3)="DWG"<br> loop<br> endcase<br>*<br>* put field structure into to an array<br>*<br> lnError=0<br> on error lnError=ERRORTRAP()<br> select 0<br> use laDbfs(I,1) alias IMPORT shared<br> if lnError < 0<br> on error<br> loop<br> endif<br> on error<br> copy stru extended to c:\stru<br> use<br> select temp<br> zap<br> append from c:\stru<br> replace all table with strtran(laDbfs(I,1),".DBF",""<br> goto top<br>*<br>* populate the data database<br>*<br> scan all<br> scatter memvar memo<br> if !seek(M.TABLE+M.FIELD,"SYS_DICT"<br> insert into SYS_DICT from memvar<br> endif<br> endscan<br>*<br> select TEMP<br> zap<br> endfor<br>*<br>endif<br>close databases<br>delete file ("C:\TEMP.DBF"<br>delete file ("C:\TEMP.CDX"<br>delete file ("C:\TEMP.FPT"<br>delete file ("C:\STRU.DBF"<br>delete file ("C:\STRU.CDX"<br>delete file ("C:\STRU.FPT"<br>set defa to &lcStartDir && Restore user default<br>release array laFields,laDbfs<br>release all<br>set sysmenu to default<br>on error<br>clear<br>return<br><br>*!*****************************************************************************<br>*!<br>*! Procedure: ERRORTRAP<br>*!<br>*! Called by: DICTDATA.PRG<br>*!<br>*!*****************************************************************************<br>procedure ERRORTRAP<br>*******************<br>return -1<br>*: EOF: DICTDATA.PRG<br><br> <p>David W. Grewe<br><a href=mailtoave@internationalbid.net>Dave@internationalbid.net</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
If what you want is to print a list of field names sorted by fieldname you could try the following -- <br><br>SELECT myTable<br>SCATTER MEMVAR MEMO BLANK<br>DISPLAY MEMORY TO myTable<br><br>You could then open myTable.txt in Word<br>Your field names will be listed at the top of the file along with all the system variable names following.<br>Delete the system variables section<br>Change the page layout to landscape<br>Sort the list<br><br>This won't give you all the information you would get in display structure. (you can also display structure to myFile but I couldn't figure out a way to easily sort the results.<br><br>Another way would be to write a .prg which sends the structure to a file (Display Structure to myFile) then in your .prg use low-level file functions to grab the information you want from myFile and insert it into a table which you could then sort and print etc. I didn't spend the time to write the code but it could be done. You could select each of your tables in turn -- you'd end up with one table that you could sort and set indexes on etc.<br><br>It might be useful code that you could post for use by others.<br><br>--cd.
Thanks to CDavis/DGrewe/Tom Gahagan for hints"Asort()" <br>That was the brain cell that got lost. . .<br>I set up a table called FIELDORDER with 17 fields. <br>("fieldname" C25 and 15 others for field characteristics, and field 17 called "tablename" C25. I indexed the table to <br>STR(fieldname+tablename)ascending. I set up the data environment of the form to all the tables in the project and set up a grid etc...<br>The sample code follows:<br><br>Select table1 &&first table to sort by fieldname<br> Afields(tableorder) &&array setup<br> Asort(tableorder,1) &&sort array<br>Select fieldorder &&table to append array<br>Append from Array tableorder<br>Go Top<br>Do While .t. &&loop to fill field 17 with table name<br> If eof()<br> exit<br> else<br> If empty(tablename)=.t.<br> Replace tablename with 'table1'<br> Endif<br>Endif<br>Skip<br>Loop<br>Enddo<br>Select table2 &&&&&&&To add all or other tables of project<br>. <br>.<br>Select fieldorder <br>Set order to fieldname &&&set order to field name plus table name alpha...use in form, browse, print, whatever<br><br>THX, appreciate all your help!<br><br>
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