We have the following string:
Learning Objective - To consolidate knowledge and understanding of electricity generation.
Activity - Generation of electricity. Resources provided by company. Read, discuss then employee to complete set tasks.
Evaluation - Objective achieved
What we need is for the above info to be displayed in crystal XI in 3 different columns with Learning Objective, Activity and Evaluation as the respective column heading.
I have created 3 different formulas using split function:
@learning objective - split({MEMO_STR.MEMO_DATA},'Learning Objective - ')[2]
@activity - split({MEMO_STR.MEMO_DATA},'Activity - ')[2]
@evaluation - split({MEMO_STR.MEMO_DATA},'Evaluation - ')[2]
@evaluation works fine, the result of the formula is showing Objective achieved. However @learning objective is showing To consolidate knowledge and the rest of the string and @activity is showing Generation of electricity and the rest of the string.
How can I get @learning objective and @activity to show only the relevant text please?
Thank you.
We have the following string:
Learning Objective - To consolidate knowledge and understanding of electricity generation.
Activity - Generation of electricity. Resources provided by company. Read, discuss then employee to complete set tasks.
Evaluation - Objective achieved
What we need is for the above info to be displayed in crystal XI in 3 different columns with Learning Objective, Activity and Evaluation as the respective column heading.
I have created 3 different formulas using split function:
@learning objective - split({MEMO_STR.MEMO_DATA},'Learning Objective - ')[2]
@activity - split({MEMO_STR.MEMO_DATA},'Activity - ')[2]
@evaluation - split({MEMO_STR.MEMO_DATA},'Evaluation - ')[2]
@evaluation works fine, the result of the formula is showing Objective achieved. However @learning objective is showing To consolidate knowledge and the rest of the string and @activity is showing Generation of electricity and the rest of the string.
How can I get @learning objective and @activity to show only the relevant text please?
Thank you.