I am creating a Census report for a hospital. The report needs to display every room for a floor and patient info for the patient occupying the room. However if the room is unoccupied, the patient info area of the report must be empty space for 'write-ins' for admissions after the report is run.
The problem is how to display the empty rooms. Currently the report will run showing only occupied rooms and the patient info respectively.
Ex: Room 1
John D'oh
patient information
Room 2
(blank field)
(blank field)
Room 3
John SmallBerries
patient information
The problem is how to display the empty rooms. Currently the report will run showing only occupied rooms and the patient info respectively.
Ex: Room 1
John D'oh
patient information
Room 2
(blank field)
(blank field)
Room 3
John SmallBerries
patient information