I am writing an ASP.NET application that passes two dates to a Crystal Report. The dates are passed to create start and end dates for selection of records, and to also display this date range at the top of each page in MM/DD/CCYY order.
I developed this app on my laptop, and everything was working fine. I move it to the production server, and now the date is displaying in YY/MM/DD order, yet the selection is happening properly.
The date is entered into the two text boxes in MM/DD/CCYY order.
ASP.NET Code is here:
param.Value = txtStartDate.Text
param.Value = txtEndDate.Text
The Crystal Reports Formula is called DateRange the code located here:
{?BegDte} & " - " & {?EndDte}
Any ideas why the date is being flipped around for display purposes, and what I can do to stop this from happening? I'm looking for both how to make this a system default as well as modifying the formula to ensure that the flipping doesn't take place.
I developed this app on my laptop, and everything was working fine. I move it to the production server, and now the date is displaying in YY/MM/DD order, yet the selection is happening properly.
The date is entered into the two text boxes in MM/DD/CCYY order.
ASP.NET Code is here:
param.Value = txtStartDate.Text
param.Value = txtEndDate.Text
The Crystal Reports Formula is called DateRange the code located here:
{?BegDte} & " - " & {?EndDte}
Any ideas why the date is being flipped around for display purposes, and what I can do to stop this from happening? I'm looking for both how to make this a system default as well as modifying the formula to ensure that the flipping doesn't take place.