I'm trying to display joined data from two tables. They are connected by a simple Product.ProviderID = ProductProvider.ID join. I can display a data from one table but how do I display columns from another table:
here is the sql:
drop table if exists Product;
create table Product
ID int unsigned not null auto_increment,
Name char(50) not null,
Description char(100) not null,
ProviderID int unsigned not null,
CategoryID int unsigned not null,
ClassID int unsigned not null,
EntryDate date not null,
Primary key (ID, ProviderID),
Index (ProviderID)
) type=innodb;
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (01, "Life Insurance 10", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (02, "Life Insurance 20", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (03, "Life Insurance 30", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (04, "Life Insurance 40", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (05, "Life Insurance 50", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (06, "Life Insurance 60", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (07, "Life Insurance 70", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (08, "Life Insurance 80", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (09, "Life Insurance 90", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (10, "Life Insurance 100", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (11, "Life Insurance 11", "Free for the first year", 02, 01, 01, "2005-01-06");
drop table if exists ProductProvider;
create table ProductProvider
ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
Name char(50) not null,
Address01 char(50) not null,
Address02 char(50) null,
Address03 char(50) null,
Address04 char(50) null,
County char(50) not null,
PostCode char(8) not null,
CountryID int not null,
AccountManagerID int not null references AccountManager.ID,
Index (ID)
) type=innodb;
insert into productprovider (id, name, address01, address02, address03, address04, county, postcode, countryid, accountmanagerid) values (01, "Norwich Union", "1 Sprout Square", "Norwich", null, null, "Norfolk", "NR1 8AD", 01, 01);
insert into productprovider (id, name, address01, address02, address03, address04, county, postcode, countryid, accountmanagerid) values (02, "Standard Life", "1 Green Road", "Norwich", null, null, "Norfolk", "NR1 8AD", 01, 02);
I have just the 'Product' access table here:
<?php require ('connect.php');
$Product = 'select * from product';
$result = $db->query($Product);
$num_results = $result->num_rows;
echo '<p> Number of Products found : ' .$num_results. '</p>' ;
<table border = "1">
<td>Provider ID</td>
<td>Category ID</td>
<td>Class ID</td>
<td>Entry Date</td>
<?php for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++)
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'ID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'Name' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'Description' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'ProviderID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'CategoryID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'ClassID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'EntryDate' ]);?></td>
How do I access both tables in PHP?
here is the sql:
drop table if exists Product;
create table Product
ID int unsigned not null auto_increment,
Name char(50) not null,
Description char(100) not null,
ProviderID int unsigned not null,
CategoryID int unsigned not null,
ClassID int unsigned not null,
EntryDate date not null,
Primary key (ID, ProviderID),
Index (ProviderID)
) type=innodb;
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (01, "Life Insurance 10", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (02, "Life Insurance 20", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (03, "Life Insurance 30", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (04, "Life Insurance 40", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (05, "Life Insurance 50", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (06, "Life Insurance 60", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (07, "Life Insurance 70", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (08, "Life Insurance 80", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (09, "Life Insurance 90", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (10, "Life Insurance 100", "Free for the first year", 01, 01, 01, "2005-01-05");
insert into product (id, name, description, providerid, categoryid, classid, entrydate) values (11, "Life Insurance 11", "Free for the first year", 02, 01, 01, "2005-01-06");
drop table if exists ProductProvider;
create table ProductProvider
ID int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
Name char(50) not null,
Address01 char(50) not null,
Address02 char(50) null,
Address03 char(50) null,
Address04 char(50) null,
County char(50) not null,
PostCode char(8) not null,
CountryID int not null,
AccountManagerID int not null references AccountManager.ID,
Index (ID)
) type=innodb;
insert into productprovider (id, name, address01, address02, address03, address04, county, postcode, countryid, accountmanagerid) values (01, "Norwich Union", "1 Sprout Square", "Norwich", null, null, "Norfolk", "NR1 8AD", 01, 01);
insert into productprovider (id, name, address01, address02, address03, address04, county, postcode, countryid, accountmanagerid) values (02, "Standard Life", "1 Green Road", "Norwich", null, null, "Norfolk", "NR1 8AD", 01, 02);
I have just the 'Product' access table here:
<?php require ('connect.php');
$Product = 'select * from product';
$result = $db->query($Product);
$num_results = $result->num_rows;
echo '<p> Number of Products found : ' .$num_results. '</p>' ;
<table border = "1">
<td>Provider ID</td>
<td>Category ID</td>
<td>Class ID</td>
<td>Entry Date</td>
<?php for ($i=0; $i <$num_results; $i++)
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'ID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'Name' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'Description' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'ProviderID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'CategoryID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'ClassID' ]);?></td>
<td><?php echo ($row[ 'EntryDate' ]);?></td>
How do I access both tables in PHP?