Hi all, I'm reporting from a software inventory table from my IBM Director database. The table lists each specific peice of software as a separate record containing software name, software version and machine ID among along with other data not relevant to this discussion.
What I'd like to do is list each Machine ID down the left hand side of the page with specifically selected peices of software (MS-Office, IBM Director, IE, etc.) listed horizontally in the header and the particular version of that software for the machine listed in the machine's row in the Software name column. I've been playing with the selection expert, but I can't find a way to put the version data from several different records on one row. I've heard that Crystal is fairly robust and I'm assuming that this can be done; after all it would only takea few lines of PHP&SQL to pull the data I need. I'm relatively new to Crystal, but not to programming and SQL. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
What I'd like to do is list each Machine ID down the left hand side of the page with specifically selected peices of software (MS-Office, IBM Director, IE, etc.) listed horizontally in the header and the particular version of that software for the machine listed in the machine's row in the Software name column. I've been playing with the selection expert, but I can't find a way to put the version data from several different records on one row. I've heard that Crystal is fairly robust and I'm assuming that this can be done; after all it would only takea few lines of PHP&SQL to pull the data I need. I'm relatively new to Crystal, but not to programming and SQL. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.