The code below is supposed to consume and display vacation rental information from but for some reason, I don't think I have it formated right to display. I want to have the pictures and values returned displayed in a formatted method and so far have not been able to get the information to actually display. it works and there is information contained in the $xml when dumped. please help with formatting needs.
thanks in advance
Php Newbie
The code below is supposed to consume and display vacation rental information from but for some reason, I don't think I have it formated right to display. I want to have the pictures and values returned displayed in a formatted method and so far have not been able to get the information to actually display. it works and there is information contained in the $xml when dumped. please help with formatting needs.
thanks in advance
Php Newbie
function displayVastVacation($apiKey,$Location)
$paramaters = array();
$endPoint = "[URL unfurl="true"]";[/URL]
$paramaters[] = array("api_method", "Vacation_Rentals");
$paramaters[] = array("key",$apiKey);
$paramaters[] = array("tlocation", $Location);
$paramaters[] = array("fresh_to","50");
$paramaters[] = array("sort", "3");
foreach ($paramaters AS $paramater)
$endPoint .= $paramater[0] . "=" . $paramater[1] . "&";
// remove the & overflow to be sure the URL was created right
// $endPoint= substr_replace($endPoint,"", strlen($endPoint)-1);
//print out constructed XML to be sure it is correctly formatted
//echo $endPoint;
//query the server and get the response from the server
$response = file_get_contents($endPoint);
//echo utf8_decode($response);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
echo"<table style=\"WIDTH:50%; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 269px\"><tbody>";
foreach($xml->results->result{0} as $item)
echo"<tr><td rowspan=\"3\">";
echo "<img src=\"{$imageurl}\" align=\left\">";
echo"</td><td colspan=\"2\">";
echo "<a href=\"{$url}\" title=\"vacation\">{$title}</a>"."Location:{$city},{$state}<br>";
echo"</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"2\">";
echo"Property Type: {$proptype}<br>";
echo"Bedrooms: {$bedooms}<br>";
echo"Bathrooms: {$bathrooms}<br>";
echo"Amenities: {$amenities}<br>";
echo"Description: {$description}<br>";
echo"</td> </tr><tr><td>";
echo"Found: {$domain_name}";
echo"</td> </tr></tbody></table>";