I am trying to convert american dates to English.
I am using MS Access ( the dates are ok here).
the intranet server has its locales set to american, but I cannot change this to UK.
when I use something liike this :
datetime = Server.HTMLEncode(rs.Fields("StartDate"
y = DatePart("yyyy",datetime)
m = DatePart("m",datetime) : if m < 10 then m = "0" & m
d = DatePart("d",datetime) : if d < 10 then d = "0" & d
mydate = d & "-" & m & "-" & y
it shows every date as 31-12-1899.
an anybody suggest something ?
I am trying to convert american dates to English.
I am using MS Access ( the dates are ok here).
the intranet server has its locales set to american, but I cannot change this to UK.
when I use something liike this :
datetime = Server.HTMLEncode(rs.Fields("StartDate"
y = DatePart("yyyy",datetime)
m = DatePart("m",datetime) : if m < 10 then m = "0" & m
d = DatePart("d",datetime) : if d < 10 then d = "0" & d
mydate = d & "-" & m & "-" & y
it shows every date as 31-12-1899.
an anybody suggest something ?