My report prompts for a date range, and I want to put that date range into the Title of my report. I cannot figure out how to display the Date Parameter that was entered. Any ideas?
From the parameter list window drag and drop the parameter you want to display on the title. When you right click on the parameter you can select format and use the exact type you want.
Use a formula such as:
"From: " + ToText ( Minimum ( {?Your_Date_Param} ) ) + " To: " + ToText ( Maximum ( {?Your_Date_Param} ) )
- Ido
CUT, Visual CUT, and DataLink Viewer:
view, e-mail, export, burst, distribute, and schedule Crystal Reports.
Your method will only work for dicrete value parameters. It will not display range parameters. It will display only the first parameter if there are multiple discrete values entered, but only if the parameter is not set up to accept ranges.
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