I have created a Crystal report with parameters that ask the user to select a time frame:
1. Calendar1stQtr.
2. Calendar2ndQtr.
3. Calendar3rdQtr.
4. Calendar4thQtr.
On the header of my report I want to place some text that says:
FOI Periodic Summary Report for the period of <insert selected parameter field>.
When a user say selects Calendar1stQtr I want the text inserted into the above to say something like:
FOI Periodic Summary Report for the period of <January 1 - March 31, 2005>.
How do I do this?
I have created a formula called frmDisplayReportingPeriod shown below:
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar1stQtr" Then
"January 1 - March 31, 2005"
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar2stQtr" Then
"April 1 - June 30, 2005"
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar3stQtr" Then
"July 1 - September 30, 2005"
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar4stQtr" Then
"October 1 - December 31, 2005"
I insert this formula into the FOI text above and if the user does select "Calendar1stQtr" as a parameter field, the correct text does get displayed - ie
January 1 - March 31, 2005.
However if a user selects another calendar period it does not seem to change - it looks like my formula hard codes the Calendar1stQtr.
Can anyone suggest how I can change this?
John Falloon
1. Calendar1stQtr.
2. Calendar2ndQtr.
3. Calendar3rdQtr.
4. Calendar4thQtr.
On the header of my report I want to place some text that says:
FOI Periodic Summary Report for the period of <insert selected parameter field>.
When a user say selects Calendar1stQtr I want the text inserted into the above to say something like:
FOI Periodic Summary Report for the period of <January 1 - March 31, 2005>.
How do I do this?
I have created a formula called frmDisplayReportingPeriod shown below:
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar1stQtr" Then
"January 1 - March 31, 2005"
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar2stQtr" Then
"April 1 - June 30, 2005"
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar3stQtr" Then
"July 1 - September 30, 2005"
If {?parReportingPeriod} = "Calendar4stQtr" Then
"October 1 - December 31, 2005"
I insert this formula into the FOI text above and if the user does select "Calendar1stQtr" as a parameter field, the correct text does get displayed - ie
January 1 - March 31, 2005.
However if a user selects another calendar period it does not seem to change - it looks like my formula hard codes the Calendar1stQtr.
Can anyone suggest how I can change this?
John Falloon