CRXI - I have created a text box with background text. In with the background text are a few date values. In one (1) of the values I have been trying to have it display text if the field is left empty. This will remind them to put the date in the field. The field is a date field. I have tried the following: The field is formatted in the prefix of the customize tab as follows: If if put isnull it only shows the date, if I change it to not is null then it shows only the text. I have been unable to get them both to show based on the field being null.
if IsNull({cpmain.dtudftext2}) then "NEED 1ST SALE DATE ON PAGE 3"
if remainder(day({cpmain.dtudftext2}),10) = 1 and
day({cpmain.dtudftext2}) <> 11 then
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"st "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,") else
if remainder(day({cpmain.dtudftext2}),10) = 2 and
day({cpmain.dtudftext2}) <> 12 then
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"nd "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,") else
if remainder(day({cpmain.dtudftext2}),10) = 3 and
day({cpmain.dtudftext2}) <> 13 then
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"rd "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,") else
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"th "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,")
I also tried to create a formula but that did not work also.
The formula is:
if not isnull({cpmain.dtudftext2}) then "Need 1st Sale Date On Page 3" else totext({cpmain.dtudftext2})
This field is in the report footer of the report. This should be easy but is not working out. Any help would be greatly appeciated. If I do not put something to remind them to put the dates in they will leave them out.
if IsNull({cpmain.dtudftext2}) then "NEED 1ST SALE DATE ON PAGE 3"
if remainder(day({cpmain.dtudftext2}),10) = 1 and
day({cpmain.dtudftext2}) <> 11 then
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"st "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,") else
if remainder(day({cpmain.dtudftext2}),10) = 2 and
day({cpmain.dtudftext2}) <> 12 then
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"nd "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,") else
if remainder(day({cpmain.dtudftext2}),10) = 3 and
day({cpmain.dtudftext2}) <> 13 then
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"rd "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,") else
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2},"d")+"th "+ "day of " +
totext({cpmain.dtudftext2}, "MMMM "+" yyyy,")
I also tried to create a formula but that did not work also.
The formula is:
if not isnull({cpmain.dtudftext2}) then "Need 1st Sale Date On Page 3" else totext({cpmain.dtudftext2})
This field is in the report footer of the report. This should be easy but is not working out. Any help would be greatly appeciated. If I do not put something to remind them to put the dates in they will leave them out.