I have the following "Aging" formula:
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} in [30 to 60 ] then
"30 to 60" else
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} in [61 to 90] then
"61 to 90" else
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} in [91 to 120] then
"91 to 120" else
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} > 121 or {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} = date(0,0,0) then
"121 + "
When displayed on the report, the 121 + displays first, then the 30 to 60 then the 61 - 90 then the 91 to 120. It needs to ascend by days:
30 - 60
61 to 90
91 - 120
121 +
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} in [30 to 60 ] then
"30 to 60" else
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} in [61 to 90] then
"61 to 90" else
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} in [91 to 120] then
"91 to 120" else
if CurrentDate - {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} > 121 or {RACCT.LASTPAYDATE} = date(0,0,0) then
"121 + "
When displayed on the report, the 121 + displays first, then the 30 to 60 then the 61 - 90 then the 91 to 120. It needs to ascend by days:
30 - 60
61 to 90
91 - 120
121 +